THis program is supposed to take a number (1-5) from the user. After each number is entered, it should ask how many of each product they want, then show the total for that product and and overall total at the end. I have to use a swich statement. And stop execution when a neg 1 is entered. My question is this: I have my switch statement inside the while loop. The program asks the user to enter a number one time, and then asks to enter the amount of the item five times, totals each item, and then show the overall total. like this
Enter number 1-5:
user >> a number
enter amount of this product
user >> a number
enter amount of this product
user >> a number
and it asks that three more times, totaling it each time.
it should be like this
Enter a number
How many
the total of this product is
Enter a number
How many
the total of this product is
and so on until this has comleted 5 times
then it should display the overall total.
How can I change my loop structure to get this program right?
/* Lauren Hicks
CS 2265: Advanced Programming Using Java
Week 2 Programming Assignment-
Java Application to Calculate the Sum of Different
Quantities of Miscellaneous Retail Items with User Interaction
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Retail
public static void main(String[] args)
int val = 1, selection=0;
String selectionString, optionOneString, optionTwoString, optionThreeString, optionFourString, optionFiveString;
int optionOne, optionTwo, optionThree, optionFour, optionFive;
double priceOne = 2.98, priceTwo = 4.50, priceThree = 9.98, priceFour = 4.49, priceFive = 6.87;
double orderTotal = 0, opOneTotal = 0, opTwoTotal=0, opThreeTotal=0, opFourTotal=0, opFiveTotal=0;
while (val<6)
selectionString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a number, 1-5, representing a product type. Entry of -1 stops program execution", "Product Type", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
selection = Integer.parseInt(selectionString);
while (selection != 1 && selection !=2 && selection !=3 && selection != 4 && selection != 5)
case 1:
optionOneString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter how many of this product you wish to purchase ", "Product Amount", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
optionOne = Integer.parseInt(optionOneString);
opOneTotal = priceOne * optionOne;
System.out.println("The total for product one is: $" + priceOne);
case 2:
optionTwoString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter how many of this product you wish to purchase ", "Product Amount", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
optionTwo = Integer.parseInt(optionTwoString);
opTwoTotal = priceTwo * optionTwo;
System.out.println("The total for product two is: $" + opTwoTotal);
case 3:
optionThreeString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter how many of this product you wish to purchase ", "Product Amount", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
optionThree = Integer.parseInt(optionThreeString);
opThreeTotal = priceThree * optionThree;
System.out.println("The total for product three is: $" + opThreeTotal);
case 4:
optionFourString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter how many of this product you wish to purchase ", "Product Amount", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
optionFour = Integer.parseInt(optionFourString);
opFourTotal = priceFour * optionFour;
System.out.println("The total for product four is: $" +opFourTotal);
case 5:
optionFiveString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter how many of this product you wish to purchase ", "Product Amount", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
optionFive = Integer.parseInt(optionFiveString);
opFiveTotal = priceFive + optionFive;
System.out.println("The total for product five is: $" + opFiveTotal);
orderTotal = opOneTotal + opTwoTotal + opThreeTotal + opFourTotal + opFiveTotal;
System.out.println("The total price of your order is: $" + orderTotal);