I want to make a square with a 0 in it and when I click on it would change into a 1. (e.g. For use in a memory register in which I can set the bits manually.)
Piece of cake I thought, derive from the Checkbox class and override the OnPaint method. It was indeed easy, here is my code.
Just made an empty WindowsApp and added this:
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
private BinarycheckBox BinCB;
public Form1()
//initialize new binary checkbox
BinCB = new BinarycheckBox();
BinCB.AutoSize = true;
BinCB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(70, 95);
BinCB.Name = "bin";
BinCB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(25, 17);
BinCB.TabIndex = 0;
BinCB.Text = "bla bla";
BinCB.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
This is the code for the derived CheckBox class :
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
class BinarycheckBox : CheckBox
//init vars for OnPaint
private Font font = new Font("Ariel", 8);
private static Brush bluebrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
private Brush backgroundbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow);
Pen bluepen = new Pen(bluebrush);
private StringFormat strFormat = new StringFormat();
//default constructor
public BinarycheckBox(){}
//we do our own painting here
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pevent)
base.OnPaint(pevent); //needed
Graphics G = pevent.Graphics;
strFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
strFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
RectangleF R = new RectangleF(G.ClipBounds.X, G.ClipBounds.Y, 16F, 16F);
G.FillRectangle(backgroundbrush, R);
if (this.Checked)
//G.DrawString("1", font, bluebrush, R.X + 2, R.Y+ 1); //has the same effect
G.DrawString("1", font, bluebrush, R, strFormat);
G.DrawString("0", font, bluebrush, R, strFormat);
G.DrawRectangle(bluepen, R.X, R.Y, R.Width - 1, R.Height - 1);
Now the problem : When I click on the box (which contains 0 at startup) it changes as expected to 1. When I click again on it the number is shifted down a few pixels and an ugly line appears above it, when I release the mouse the normal thing happens and 1 becomes 0. I'd like to know why and I also like to know if this is a right design decision?
Thanks in advance for your answers.