pleas help... is it possible that a wxpython program can become a web page??

pleas help... is it possible that a wxpython program can become a web page??

Be more specific.

I doubt you can do what I think you are asking.

You could write the server-side code using wxPython. I'm not sure you would really want to, however.

There are servers that have Python installed, but I never heard of one that also has wxPython installed.

There are servers that have Python installed, but I never heard of one that also has wxPython installed.

Probably with good reason. :)

Doesn't mean it can't be done if someone felt so inclined.

Having wxPython installed on a server is pointless. Why? Because when it displays the GUI, nobody sees it.

I think the original poster needs to clarify his/her intentions.

commented: good point!! +6

No. At least from what I have seen. You can build a client that, after the user downloads and installs, will process data pulled from the internet.However, you are looking for a web programming gui interface, and HTML, JavaScript/Flash, Silverlight are meant for this purpose. Again, maybe wxPython has some built-in or extension that I'm not aware of, but I haven't seen it so far.

Maybe Jython comes closest? With SWING GUI app, I mean. Or use web framwork for web app.

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