I've got this bug in my progrom that I cannot figure out and it's due within the next couple of hours. I was hoping someone could help.
My problem is in my main function that reads in from standing input
but when the user types in $PART2 it is suppose to break and go onto
the next input. But whenever I type in:
C = 7
D = 6
the function will not go on to the next part because it should print
System.out.println("Enter PostFix Expression: ")
If you could help me figure out why I would greatly appreciate it.
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.lang.Character;
class PostEval2
static Stack<Integer> postFix = new Stack<Integer>(); // a new stack of integers
public static final int integers=26; // the max number of integers for the array
static int [] array = new int[integers]; // a new array
// int addr(char ch) returns the equivalent interger address
// for the letter given in ch, 'A' returns 0, 'Z' returns 25 and all
// other letters return their corresponding position as well.
public static int addr(char ch)
return (int)ch-(int)'A';
// void eval( char letter) will evaluate the postfix expression
// from what the user entered. If will make sure that letter is a digit
// then it will begin doing the equations for whatever operand is used.
// it will final push the result into the stack.
public static void eval(char letter)
int result = 0;
int code1 = 0;
int operand1 = postFix.pop();
int operand2 = postFix.pop();
if (letter == '+') result = operand1 + operand2;
else if (letter == '-') result = operand1 - operand2;
else if (letter == '*') result = operand1 * operand2;
else if (letter == '/') result = operand1 / operand2;
// void splitString(String postInput, char letter) will
// will convert the inputed postfix expression into individual
// characters then evaulate each character. It will error
// handle to see if there is more than one item left
// in the stack
public static void splitString (String postInput, char letter)
System.out.println(postFix+ "="); // the program was ended so print out the equation then figure out the answer
int size = postInput.length(); //get the lenght of the input
for (int i = 0; i<=size; i++) // brake each character into into indivdual characters
letter = postInput.charAt(i);
eval(letter); // evaluate the postfix expression
if(postFix.size()>1) // error check to see if the size is greater than 1
while(postFix.size() > 0) // if it is then there is more than one item in the stack and the problem is not solved
System.out.println("The stack contains more than one item");
else if(postFix.size()==1) // but if there only one item in the stack then it is solved. and print it out
static public void main(String args[])
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); //begin standard input
System.out.println("Input Letter and Number it equals: "); // enter letters and numbers
String postInput; // the postFix input
char letter=0; // the letter entered by the user
String equals; // the character to read in the equals sign
int number = 0; // the number the letter equals
int code1 = 0; // code will get the ASC from the addr function
letter=(scanner.next()).charAt(0); // get the letter from the user input
System.out.println("Test1 ");
// if a user enters $PART2 begin the postfix read in
System.out.println("Test% ");
equals = scanner.next(); // the user is suppose to enter a = symbol
System.out.println("Test2 ");
code1=addr(letter); // get the value of the operand by using the addr function
System.out.println("Test3 ");
array[code1]=scanner.nextInt(); // we then put the code into the array
System.out.println("Test4 ");
while(scanner.hasNext()) // this is part two of the postfix evaluation
System.out.println("Enter PostFix Expression: "); // signifys the postfix part
postInput=scanner.nextLine(); // get a string of the postfix expression
if(postInput.equals("$END"))break; // if the user enters $END then the program is done
splitString(postInput, letter); // insert the string and the letter into the splitstring operation and begin the evaulation