I have been surfing the net for hours but couldn't find anything as to whether it is possible to make a groupbox readonly. So if you can make it read-only how do you go about?Is there any code?Thanks

I have been surfing the net for hours but couldn't find anything as to whether it is possible to make a groupbox readonly. So if you can make it read-only how do you go about?Is there any code?Thanks

try this

GroupBox1.Enabled = False

hai use this

GroupBox1.Enabled = False

if you have slove your problem it mark that.

yeah it works but however when i click on the edit button on my form then it does not work. I need it not to be readonly when i click on the edit button.

if you want to do groupbox read only when you click on edit button so use this code on edit button click event
code is
groupbox.enabled = false

Better still you can put the edit button below the groupbox
in the form load
groupbox.enabled = false
then to edit it, in the edit button
groupbox.enabled = true

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