Well, I don't want to do lot of copy-paste in my code, so, I'm just wondering - is it possible to have two different names of one functions(I prefer that function name describe what is used for):


int do_my_client(int info)
 blah blah blah;
 return inf;

int main()
  client = do_my_client(55); // a call to function do_my_client
  server = do_my_server(66); // same call, but with different name to function do_my_client
 return 0;

maybe is there a way like with cases:

case 5 : case 6 : case 7 : cout << "the same text in 3 different switches";

so sth like that:????

int do_my_client=int do_my_server(int info) {

or I should try sth like this:

typedef do_my_client do_my_server;

I don't get that, do you mean the following: Is it possible to call a certain function using two different names ?

int a = 5, b = 6;

//makeSum and addition do exactly the same

int c = makeSum(a,b);
int d = addition(a,b);

Do you mean something like this?

>>is it possible to have two different names of one functions

Short answer: no

However, what you could do is put all the common code into a single function which is called by the other two functions

int common_code(int info)
   // blabla

int do_my_server(int info)

int do_my_client(int info)

Implicitly you can say that it's possible using the work-around Ancient Dragon provided you with :) ...

void name() { std::cout << "It's me, Xamas\n"; }
inline void anothername() { name(); }
void ((*yetanothername)()) = name;
void tryThis()


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