Hey guys below is my full code of the program I am trying to run. I want to save the data automatically. It goes through many areas but the save area is not working for some reason. Errr...I have spent many hours and it is very basic code probably because I use a while statement instead of a cin or cout statement. If you can help that is awesome! I am a beginner and doing this for school have the dietzel book which is crap.

This program grabs employee information for a business and saves the file. It then can create employees and further more. I tryed keeping it very organized to easily read!

Thanks All!

p.s. I had a file made as "a" in my C:// file, but had to change it to a .txt file to save the information. Please not that a file has to be saved in the C:// file to search for the information or folder. The folder has lines of numbers to simulate the information.

//  File Name  : FinalProject.c
//  Programmer : Eric Smith
//  Instructor : 
//  Course     : ECET 264-
//  Date Due   : April 20, 2009
//  Platform   : IBM PC (Windows XP)
//  Compiler   : Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

// Eliminate deprecation warnings for the older, less secure functions

// Needed for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 (Visual C++ Version 8 & 9)

// Compiler Includes
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>			//used for clear screen and pause command
#include <string.h>

// Using Directives & Declarations

// Project Includes 

// Constants
#define TRUE      1
#define FALSE     0
#define MAX_SIZE 40

// User Defined Types 

// Function Prototypes 
int GetSelection  (void);
void GetInput     (char Name[], double E_Data[]);
void SaveData     (char Name[], double E_Data[]);
void ReportFile   (double E_Data[]);
void editEmployee (double E_Data[]);
void enterHours   (double E_Data[]);

//  Function Name : main 
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : No input parameters, but has an output parameter of an int
//  Return Value  : none
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void main (void) { 

  // Local Variables 
  int selection           = 0;
  double E_Data[MAX_SIZE] = {0};
  char Name[MAX_SIZE]     = {0};
  int endLoop = 0;

  GetInput (Name, E_Data);

  while (endLoop == 0){
	selection = GetSelection ();

    switch (selection) {

    //update employee
    case 1:
	  //enter employee hours
    case 2:
	  editEmployee (E_Data);

	  //edit employee information
    case 3:

	  //newEmployee (E_Data);

	  //add new employee
    case 4:

    case 5:
	  endLoop = TRUE;

	  //Exit the program

	} //end switch
	SaveData ( Name, E_Data);
  }//End while

} // end function main 

//  Function Name : GetSelection
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : Promps the user for the selection the user wants to do.
//  Parameters    : none
//  Return Value  : The selection the user wants to do to the data 
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

int GetSelection (void) { 

  // Local Variables 
  int endLoop = 0;
  int iValue  = 0;

  // Begin
  while( endLoop == 0) {
		printf(" Welcome to ESLR, LLC \n"
		  "1-Enter Employee Hours \n"
		  "2-Edit Employee Information \n"
		  "3-Add New Employee \n"
		  "4-Creat A Report \n"
		  "5-Exit Program \n"); /*Prompt for input*/
		scanf( "%d", &iValue);
		if ((iValue > 5) || (iValue < 1)){
		printf("Invalid entry, please try again.\n\n");
	 } //end if statement
		else {
		endLoop = 1;
		} //end else statement
	} //end while statement);

  return iValue;
} // end GetSelection function

//  Function Name : GetInput
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : The List array.
//  Return Value  : none
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void GetInput (char userName[], double E_Data[]) { 

	//Array Slot 0 = employee social security number //
	//Array Slot 1 = employee elected withholding //
	//Array Slot 2 = employee hourly wage //
	//Array Slot 3 = employee weekly hours //
	//Array Slot 4 = gross wages for week //
	//Array Slot 5 = federal tax for week //
	//Array Slot 6 = social security tax  for week //
	//Array Slot 7 = medicare tax for week //
	//Array Slot 8 = state tax for week //
	//Array Slot 9 = county tax for week //
	//Array Slot 10 = net pay for week //
	//Array Slot 11 = ytd gross wages // 
	//Array Slot 12 = ytd federal withholding tax //
	//Array Slot 13 = ytd social security tax //
	//Array Slot 14 = ytd medicare tax //
	//Array Slot 15 = ytd state tax //
	//Array Slot 16 = ytd county tax //
	//Array Slot 17 = ytd netpay //

  // Local Variables 
  int continueWhileLoop =   TRUE;
  int nameLenght = 0;
  double endofFile =        FALSE;
  double FileValue =        FALSE;
  FILE *fileHandle =        NULL;
  int i = 0;
  // Begin
  //Get File
  while (continueWhileLoop == TRUE){
    printf("Please enter in your Name:\n");
    system("cls");  //clear the screen

	while (userName[nameLenght] != 0){

	for(i = nameLenght; i > 0; i=i-1);{

		printf("username = %s\ni = %d\n\n\n\n",userName,nameLenght);

		userName[i + 3] = userName[i];
	} // end For loop

    userName[0] = 'c';
	userName[1] = ':';
	userName[2] = '\\';
    userName[nameLenght + 3]='.';
	userName[nameLenght + 4]='t';
	userName[nameLenght + 5]='x';
	userName[nameLenght + 6]='t';

    fileHandle = fopen(userName,"r");


    if (fileHandle == NULL){
		printf("\nName not found!  Please try again. \n");
	} //end if
    else {
		continueWhileLoop = FALSE;
	} //end else
  }// end while function

  while (endofFile != EOF){
	for (i = 0; i < 18; i++){
      E_Data[i] = FileValue;
	  endofFile = fscanf(fileHandle,"%lf",&FileValue);
	} // end for loop
  } // end while function
} // end GetInput function

//  Function Name : SaveData
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : The List array.
//  Return Value  : none
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void SaveData (char Name[], double E_Data[]) { 

// Local Variables 
  double endofFile =        FALSE;
  double FileValue =        FALSE;
  FILE *fileHandle =        NULL;
  int i = 0;

  // Begin
  //Get File
  fileHandle = fopen(Name,"w");

  if (fileHandle == NULL){
	printf("\nSaving Error!\n");
  } //end if
    for (i = 0; i < 18; i++){
	} // end for loop
  } // end else statment

} // end SaveData

//  Function Name : ReportFile
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : none
//  Return Value  : The selection the user wants to do to the data 
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void ReportFile (double E_Data[]) { 

  // Local Variables 
  // Begin
  printf("Employee social security number:  %0.0f\n",E_Data[0]);
  printf("Employee elected withholding:     $%0.2f\n",E_Data[1]);
  printf("Employee hourly wage:             $%0.2f\n",E_Data[2]);
  printf("Employee weekly hours:            $%0.2f\n",E_Data[3]);
  printf("Gross wages for week:             $%0.2f\n",E_Data[4]);
  printf("Federal tax for week:             $%0.2f\n",E_Data[5]);
  printf("Social security tax:              $%0.2f\n",E_Data[6]);
  printf("Medicare tax for week:            $%0.2f\n",E_Data[7]);
  printf("State tax for week:               $%0.2f\n",E_Data[8]);
  printf("County tax for week:              $%0.2f\n",E_Data[9]);
  printf("Net pay for week:                 $%0.2f\n",E_Data[10]);
  printf("ytd gross wages:                  $%0.2f\n",E_Data[11]);
  printf("ytd federal withholding tax:      $%0.2f\n",E_Data[12]);
  printf("ytd social security tax:          $%0.2f\n",E_Data[13]);
  printf("ytd medicare tax:                 $%0.2f\n",E_Data[14]);
  printf("ytd state tax:                    $%0.2f\n",E_Data[15]);
  printf("ytd county tax:                   $%0.2f\n",E_Data[16]);
  printf("ytd netpay:                       $%0.2f\n\n",E_Data[17]);


}  // end ReportFile

//end of FinalProject.c

//  Function Name : EditEmployee Information
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : none
//  Return Value  : The selection the user wants to do to the data 
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void editEmployee (double E_Data[]) { 

  // Local Variables 
  // Begin
  printf("Please edit the following information of the Employee \n");
  printf("Employee social security number: \n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[0]);
  printf("Employee elected withholding: \n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[1]);
  printf("Employee hourly wage: \n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[2]);

  //end gathering information
  //clear system and restate to the prompt function

} //end editEmployee function

//  Function Name : newEmployee
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : none
//  Return Value  : The selection the user wants to do to the data 
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void newEmployee (double E_Data[]) { 
	// Local Variables 
	// Begin
  printf("Please Enter The Following Information For A New Employee /n");
  printf("Please enter their full name: /n");
  scanf("%1f", &E_Data);
  printf("Employee social security number:\n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[0]);
  printf("Employee elected withholding:\n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[1]);
  printf("Employee hourly wage:/n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[2]);

  //end gathering information
  //clear system and restate to the prompt function

} //end editEmployee function

//  Function Name : enterHours
//  Originated    : April 20, 2009 
//  Abstract      : 
//  Parameters    : none
//  Return Value  : The selection the user wants to do to the data 
//  Misc. I/O     : na
//  Revisions     : none

void enterHours (double E_Data[]) { 
	// Local Variables 
	// Begin

  printf("Employee elected withholding:     $%0.2f\n",E_Data[1]);

  printf("Employee hourly wage:				$%0.2f\n",E_Data[2]);

  printf("Employee weekly hours: \n");
  scanf("%lf", &E_Data[3]);
  if (E_Data[3] <= 40){
	   E_Data[4] = E_Data[3] * E_Data[2];
	} //end if
    else {
		int overtime;
		overtime = ((E_Data[3] - 40) * ( E_Data[2] * 1.5));
		E_Data[4] = overtime + (E_Data[3] * E_Data[2]);
	} //end else
  //printf("Gross wages for week:             $%0.2f\n",E_Data[4]);

  //printf("Federal tax for week:             $%0.2f\n",E_Data[5]);
	E_Data[5] = (E_Data[4] * .20);

  //printf("Social security tax:              $%0.2f\n",E_Data[6]);
	E_Data[6] = (E_Data[4] * .20);

  //printf("Medicare tax for week:            $%0.2f\n",E_Data[7]);
	E_Data[7] = (E_Data[4] * .20);

  //printf("State tax for week:               $%0.2f\n",E_Data[8]);
	E_Data[8] = (E_Data[4] * .20);

  //printf("County tax for week:              $%0.2f\n",E_Data[9]);
	E_Data[9] = (E_Data[4] * .20);

  //printf("Net pay for week:                 $%0.2f\n",E_Data[10]);
	E_Data[10] = (E_Data[4] - (E_Data[5] + E_Data[6] + E_Data[7] + E_Data[8] + E_Data[9]));

  //printf("ytd gross wages:                  $%0.2f\n",E_Data[11]);
  //printf("ytd federal withholding tax:      $%0.2f\n",E_Data[12]);

  //printf("ytd social security tax:          $%0.2f\n",E_Data[13]);

  //printf("ytd medicare tax:                 $%0.2f\n",E_Data[14]);

  //printf("ytd state tax:                    $%0.2f\n",E_Data[15]);

  //printf("ytd county tax:                   $%0.2f\n",E_Data[16]);

  //printf("ytd netpay:                       $%0.2f\n\n",E_Data[17]);

	system ("cls");

} //ending program of entering hours

just to start, i notice a couple things:

warning: return type of ‘main’ is not ‘int’

"void main" is wrong. don't do it.

warning: the `gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.



fix those things and we can move along.

this program, i hate to tell you, has a number of problems. for instance, i cant even get past the "getInput" function. what is going on here?

while (userName[nameLenght] != 0){

	for(i = nameLenght; i > 0; i=i-1);{

		printf("username = %s\ni = %d\n\n\n\n",userName,nameLenght);

		userName[i + 3] = userName[i];
	} // end For loop

i'm not sure what you're trying to do, but the result is mangling the userName string. do you notice that you're writing BEYOND the end of the string!

another major problem I personally have, is that you are hardcoding the C:\ directory as the place to read and write?? i dont have a C:\ directory. you're assuming we all use windows... well, we don't. and even if i decided to go get on a windows machine, like my wife's laptop, the last thing I would want to do is let your program write to the root drive.

that is really a bad idea, generally speaking. you should instead read and write to a relative drive location determined by the working directory in which you execute the program.

as it stands right now there's little i can do to help you since I'll never be able to get this working on my machine without a significant rewrite.

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