I have created an application in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.

What I want do do now is to create a setup.exe file out of this.
How could this be possible to do ?

Thank you...

Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. I used it my several projects wherein I needed to port my Linux Application to Windows user ( windows user really like this setup.exe)

You will be amazed by its simplicity and power.

Thanks Siddhant,

I red it through and it seems really Great...

I have to ask you though if you know or have experience how it will work with the .NET Framwork 3.5.

My purpose is to create a setup.exe file that users will install on their computers.
The problem is that they will need the .NET Framework 3.5 in order to run the application.

Is it possible to in a flexible way "include" this component in the setup.exe file so it will be installed at the same time ?
Because it feels so ´clumpsy´ to go to a webiste(link below) and download this separate component and install it before installing the actual application with setup.exe.

Will be happy for any possibilities or solutions...

(This site has the .NET Framwork 3.5 ):

Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. I used it my several projects wherein I needed to port my Linux Application to Windows user ( windows user really like this setup.exe)

You will be amazed by its simplicity and power.

Thank you again... this seems really helpful.
I will check this out carefully and see what I can do.

It seems really interesting...


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