would anyone be able to help me convert this c function to an assembler function? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

void load(char x[][1000], int collum, int row, char ln)
   int i =0;
   int j =0;

   for( i = 0; i < row; i++ )
      for( j = 0; j < collum; j++)

I have gotten this far

%define maze ebp-24
%define collum ebp-20
%define row ebp-16
%define doorx ebp-12
%define doory ebp-8
%define trash ebp-4

section .data
outJ db "Jamie - Position(%d,%d): %c",0
infmt db "%d ",0
in_fmt db "%c",0

section .text
enter 1024,0

lea ebx,[row]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[collum]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[doory]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[doorx]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[trash]
push ebx
push in_fmt
call scanf
add esp,8



global load
extern printf
extern scanf

%define row ebp+24
%define column ebp+20
%define doorx ebp+16
%define doory ebp+12
%define maze ebp+8
%define i ebp+4
%define j ebp-4
%define trash ebp-8
section .data
infmt db "%d ",0
in_fmt db "%c",0

enter 8,0

lea ebx,[row]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[column]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[doory]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[doorx]
push ebx
push infmt
call scanf
add esp,8

lea ebx,[doory]
push ebx
push infmt
call printf
add esp,8

mov dword,0
mov edi,
cmp edi,[row]
jge odone
mov dword[j],0

mov ecx,[j]
cmp ecx,[column]
jge idone

mov edx,[maze]
mov eax,[column]
mul edi
add eax,[j]

mov ebx,[edx+eax]
push dword [ebx]
push in_fmt
call scanf
add esp,8

push dword [trash]
push in_fmt
call scanf
add esp,8



please help me load this array!

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