Hi, i'm having some problems with my inheritance homework. It consists on writing a progrma that mimics the String lib by overloading different operands and then create two derive classes that will revert a string and that will change the cases to lower and upper. This is as far as i got, but now i get error messages indicating that the members in the String.cpp file are not in the String.h file. Could i get some feed back on what i am missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance

[*]#ifndef _STRING_H
[*]#define _STRING_H

[*]class String 
[*]	protected:
[*]		int length;
[*]		char* buf;
[*]		char *name;

[*]	public:
[*]		String();
[*]		String(char* ch01);
[*]		String(char ch02);
[*]		String(int ch03);
[*]		String(const String& str01);
[*]		String(char ch04, int n);
[*]		~String();
[*]		void setName(char *nm);
[*]		int getLength(); 
[*]		void print();
[*]		String& operator=(const String& str02);
[*]		String& operator=(const char* ch04);
[*]		friend String operator+(const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		friend String operator+(const String& str01, const char* ch01);
[*]		friend String operator+(const char* ch01, const String& str01);
[*]		friend String operator+(const String& str01, char ch01);
[*]		friend String operator+(char ch01, const String& str01);
[*]		String& operator+=(const String& str01);
[*]		//String operator+(const String str01);
[*]		String operator+() const;
[*]		friend int operator==(const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		friend int operator!=(const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		friend int operator< (const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		friend int operator<=(const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		friend int operator> (const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		friend int operator>=(const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]		char& operator[](int n);
[*]		friend char* operator+(const String& str01, int n);
[*]		friend char* operator+(int n, const String& str01);
[*]		String& operator++();
[*]		String& operator--(); 
[*]		String operator++(int n);
[*]		String operator--(int n);
[*]		String substr(int n1, int n2);
[*]		friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const String& str01);
[*]// String.cpp

[*]#include <iostream>
[*]#include <fstream>
[*]#include <stdlib.h>
[*]#include "string.h"

[*]using namespace std;
[*]extern ofstream csis;

[*]//Ctr overload
[*]	buf = new char[1];
[*]	length = 0;
[*]String::String(char* ch01)
[*]	buf = new char[sizeof(ch01)+1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf,(sizeof(ch01)+1),ch01);
[*]	length = sizeof(ch01);
[*]String::String(char ch02)
[*]	//buf = ch02;
[*]	buf = new char[1];
[*]	buf[0] = ch02;
[*]	length = 1;
[*]String::String(int ch03)
[*]	if (ch03 <= 0)
[*]	{
[*]		ch03 = 0;
[*]		String();
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		buf = new char[ch03+1];
[*]	}
[*]	buf[0] = NULL;
[*]	length = ch03;
[*]String::String(char ch04, int n)
[*]	buf = new char[n];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < n; c++)
[*]		buf[c] = ch04;
[*]	length = n;
[*]//Copy Ctr
[*]String::String(const String &str01)
[*]	buf = new char[sizeof(str01.buf)+1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf,(sizeof(str01.buf)+1),str01.buf);
[*]	length = sizeof(str01.buf);
[*]	delete [] name;
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]int String::getLength()
[*]	return length;
[*]void String::setName(char *nm)
[*]	name = new char[sizeof(nm)+1];
[*]    strcpy_s(name, sizeof(nm)+1, nm);
[*]	length = sizeof(nm);
[*]void String::print()
[*]	cout << name;
[*]	csis << name;
[*]String& String::operator =(const String& str02)
[*]	String temp(str02);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char[sizeof(temp.buf)+1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf,(sizeof(temp.buf)+1),temp.buf);
[*]	length = temp.getLength();
[*]	setName(buf);
[*]	return *this;
[*]String& String::operator =(const char* ch04)
[*]	delete []buf;
[*]	buf = new char[strlen(ch04)+1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf,(sizeof(ch04)+1),ch04);
[*]	length = sizeof(ch04);
[*]	setName(buf);
[*]	return *this;
[*]String String::operator +(const String& str01, const String& str02)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp01.getLength() + temp02.getLength() +1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[c] = temp01.buf[c];

[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp02.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[temp01.getLength() + c] = temp02.buf[c];

[*]	String temp03(buf);
[*]	temp03.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp03;
[*]String String::operator +(const String& str01, const char* ch01)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(ch01);

[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp01.getLength() + temp02.getLength() +1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[c] = temp01.buf[c];

[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp02.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[temp01.getLength() + c] = temp02.buf[c];

[*]	String temp03(buf);
[*]	temp03.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp03;
[*]String String::operator +(const char* ch01, const String& str01)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(ch01);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp01.getLength() + temp02.getLength() +1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp02.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[c] = temp02.buf[c];

[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[temp02.getLength() + c] = temp01.buf[c];

[*]	String temp03(buf);
[*]	temp03.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp03;
[*]String String::operator +(const String& str01, char ch01)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(ch01);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp01.getLength() + temp02.getLength() 1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[c] = temp01.buf[c];

[*]	buf[temp01.getLength() + temp02.getLength()] = temp02.buf;

[*]	String temp03(buf);
[*]	temp03.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp03;
[*]String String::operator +(char ch01, const String& str01)
[*]	String temp01(ch01);
[*]	String temp02(str01);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp01.getLength() + temp02.getLength()  1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[c] = temp01.buf[c];

[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp02.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[temp01.getLength() + c] = temp02.buf[c];

[*]	String temp03(buf);
[*]	temp03.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp03;
[*]String& String::operator +=(const String& str01)
[*]	String temp(str01);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char[length + temp.getLength() + 1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < length; c++)
[*]		buf[c] = name[c];

[*]	for (int c = 0; c < temp.getLength(); c++)
[*]		buf[length + c] = temp.buf[c];
[*]	String temp01(buf);
[*]	String &temp02(temp01);
[*]	//temp01.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp02;
[*]String String::operator +() const 
[*]	return *this;
[*]int String::operator ==(const String& str01, const String& str02);
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	if (temp01.getLength() == temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		{
[*]			if (temp01.buf[c] != temp02.buf[c])
[*]			{
[*]				return 0;
[*]			}
[*]		}
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		return 0;
[*]	}
[*]int String::operator !=(const String& str01, const String& str02)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	if (temp01.getLength() == temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		{
[*]			if (temp01.buf[c] != temp02.buf[c])
[*]			{
[*]				return 1;
[*]			}
[*]		}
[*]		return 0;
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]int String::operator <(const String& str01, const String& str02)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	if (temp01.getLength() < temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else if (temp01.getLength() == temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		{
[*]			if (temp01.buf[c] >= temp02.buf[c])
[*]			{
[*]				return 0;
[*]			}
[*]		}
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		return 0;
[*]	}
[*]int String::operator <=(const String& str01, const String& str02)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	if (temp01.getLength() < temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else if (temp01.getLength() == temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		{
[*]			if (temp01.buf[c] > temp02.buf[c])
[*]			{
[*]				return 0;
[*]			}
[*]		}
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		return 0;
[*]	}
[*]int String::operator >(const String& str01, const String& str02)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	if (temp01.getLength() > temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else if (temp01.getLength() == temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		{
[*]			if (temp01.buf[c] <= temp02.buf[c])
[*]			{
[*]				return 0;
[*]			}
[*]		}
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		return 0;
[*]	}
[*]int String::operator >=(const String& str01, const String& str02)
[*]	String temp01(str01);
[*]	String temp02(str02);
[*]	if (temp01.getLength() > temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else if (temp01.getLength() == temp02.getLength())
[*]	{
[*]		for (int c = 0; c < temp01.getLength(); c++)
[*]		{
[*]			if (temp01.buf[c] < temp02.buf[c])
[*]			{
[*]				return 0;
[*]			}
[*]		}
[*]		return 1;
[*]	}
[*]	else
[*]	{
[*]		return 0;
[*]	}
[*]char& String::operator [](int n)
[*]	return name[n];
[*]char* String::operator +(const String& str01, int n)
[*]	String temp(str01);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp.getLength() + 1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf, temp.getLength(), temp.buf);
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (temp.getLength() + 1); c++)
[*]	{
[*]		buf[c] = temp.buf + n;
[*]	}
[*]	setName(buf);
[*]	return buf;
[*]char* String::operator+(int n, const String& str01)
[*]	String temp(str01);
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [temp.getLength() + 1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf, temp.getLength() + 1, temp.buf);
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (temp.getLength() + 1); c++)
[*]	{
[*]		buf[c] = temp.buf[c] + n;
[*]	}
[*]	setName(buf);
[*]	return buf;
[*]String& String::operator ++()
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [sizeof(name) + 1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf, sizeof(name), name);
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (sizeof(name) + 1); c++)
[*]	{
[*]		buf[c] = name[c] + 1;
[*]	}
[*]	String& temp(*this);
[*]	//temp = this;
[*]	//&temp.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp;
[*]	//return& this
[*]String& String::operator --()
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [sizeof(name) + 1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf, sizeof(name), name);
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (sizeof(name) + 1); c++)
[*]	{
[*]		buf[c] = name[c] - 1;
[*]	}
[*]	String temp(buf);
[*]	String& temp01(temp);
[*]	//temp.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp01;
[*]String String::operator ++(int n)
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [sizeof(name) + 1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf, sizeof(name), name);
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (sizeof(name) + 1); c++)
[*]	{
[*]		buf[c] = name[c] + n;
[*]	}
[*]	String temp(buf);
[*]	temp.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp;
[*]String String::operator --(int n)
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [sizeof(name) + 1];
[*]	strcpy_s(buf, sizeof(name), name);
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (sizeof(name) + 1); c++)
[*]	{
[*]		buf[c] = name[c] - n;
[*]	}
[*]	String temp(buf);
[*]	temp.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp;
[*]String String::substr(int n1, int n2)
[*]	delete [] buf;
[*]	buf = new char [n2 - n1 +1];
[*]	for (int c = 0; c < (n2 - n1 +1); c++)
[*]		buf[c] = name[n1 + c];
[*]	String temp(buf);
[*]	temp.setName(buf);
[*]	return temp;
[*]ostream& String::operator<<(ostream& os, const String& str01)
[*]	String temp(str01);
[*]	os << temp.name;
[*]    return os;
[*]#ifndef _REVERSE_H
[*]#define _REVERSE_H

[*]class ReverseString : public String 
[*]	private:
[*]		char* reverse;
[*]	public:
[*]		ReverseString();
[*]		ReverseString(char* ch01);
[*]		ReverseString(const ReverseString& str01);
[*]		~ReverseString();
[*]		ReverseString operator~();
[*]#include <iostream>
[*]#include <fstream>
[*]#include <stdlib.h>
[*]#include "string.h"
[*]#include "reverse.h"

[*]using namespace std;

[*]	String::String();
[*]	reverse = new char[length + 1];
[*]ReverseString::ReverseString(char* ch01)
[*]	String::String(ch01);
[*]	reverse = new char[length + 1];
[*]ReverseString::ReverseString(const ReverseString& str01)
[*]	String::String(str01);
[*]	reverse = new char[length + 1];
[*]	delete [] reverse;
[*]ReverseString ReverseString::operator ~()
[*]	for (int c = 0; c <= length; c++)
[*]		reverse[c] = name[length - c];
[*]	ReverseString temp(reverse);
[*]	return temp;
[*]#ifndef _CASE_H
[*]#define _CASE_H

[*]class CaseString : public String 
[*]	private:
[*]		char *upper;
[*]		char *lower;
[*]	public:
[*]		CaseString();
[*]		CaseString(const CaseString &str01);
[*]		CaseString(char* ch);
[*]		~CaseString();
[*]		CaseString operator=(const CaseString &str01);
[*]		char *setUpper();
[*]		char *setLower();
[*]		void print();
[*]#include <iostream>
[*]#include <fstream>
[*]#include <stdlib.h>
[*]#include "string.h"
[*]#include "case.h"

[*]using namespace std;
[*]extern ofstream csis;

[*]	String::String();
[*]	upper = new char[length + 1];
[*]	lower = new char[length + 1];
[*]	upper = setUpper();
[*]	lower = setLower();
[*]CaseString::CaseString(const CaseString &str01)
[*]	String::String(str01);
[*]	upper = new char[length + 1];
[*]	lower = new char[length + 1];
[*]	upper = setUpper();
[*]	lower = setLower();
[*]CaseString::CaseString(char *ch)
[*]	String::String(ch);
[*]	upper = new char[length + 1];
[*]	lower = new char[length + 1];
[*]	upper = setUpper();
[*]	lower = setLower();
[*]	delete [] upper;
[*]	delete [] lower;
[*]char *CaseString::setLower()
[*]	for (int c = 0; c <= length; c++)
[*]	{
[*]		if ((buf[c] >= 65) && (buf[c] <= 90))
[*]		{
[*]			lower[c] = buf[c] + 32;
[*]		}
[*]		else
[*]		{
[*]			lower[c] = buf[c];
[*]		}
[*]	}
[*]	return lower;
[*]char *CaseString::setUpper()
[*]	for (int c = 0; c <= length; c++)
[*]	{
[*]		if ((buf[c] >= 97) && (buf[c] <= 122))
[*]		{
[*]			upper[c] = buf[c] - 32;
[*]		}
[*]		else
[*]		{
[*]			upper[c] = buf[c];
[*]		}
[*]	}
[*]	return upper;
[*]void CaseString::print()
[*]	cout << upper << ", " << lower << endl;
[*]	csis << upper << ", " << lower << endl;

the strdrv.h and strdv.cpp have been provided by the teacher to test the program

[*]// strdrv.h
[*]#ifndef _STRDRV_H
[*]#define _STRDRV_H
[*]#include "string.h"
[*]#include "reverse.h"
[*]#include "case.h"

[*]int main();
[*]void test1();
[*]void test2();
[*]void test3();
[*]void test4();
[*]void test5();
[*]void test6();
[*]void test7();
[*]void test8();
[*]void test9();
[*]void test10();
[*]void test11();
[*]void test12();
[*]void test13();
[*]void test14();
[*]void test15();
[*]void test16();
[*]void test17();
[*]void test18();
[*]void test19();
[*]void test20();
[*]void wait();

[*]// strdrv.cpp

[*]#include <iostream>
[*]#include <fstream>
[*]#include <stdlib.h>
[*]#include "strdrv.h"

[*]using namespace std;

[*]ofstream csis;

[*]int main() 
[*]    csis.open("csis.dat");

[*]    test1();
[*]    test2();
[*]    test3();
[*]    test4();
[*]    test5();
[*]    test6();
[*]    test7();
[*]    test8();
[*]    test9();
[*]    test10();
[*]    test11();
[*]    test12();
[*]    test13();
[*]    test14();
[*]    test15();
[*]    test16();
[*]    test17();
[*]    test18();
[*]    test19();
[*]    test20();

[*]	csis.close();
[*]void test1() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "1. Testing: String default ctor." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "1. Testing: String default ctor." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s1;
[*]    s1.setName("s1");
[*]    s1.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test2() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "2. Testing: String one arg (char *) ctor." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "2. Testing: String one arg (char *) ctor." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s2("ABC");
[*]    s2.setName("s2");
[*]    s2.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test3() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "3. Testing: String one arg (char) ctor." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "3. Testing: String one arg (char) ctor." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s3('Z');
[*]    s3.setName("s3");
[*]    s3.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test4() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "4. Testing: String one arg (int) ctor." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "4. Testing: String one arg (int) ctor." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s4(10);
[*]    s4.setName("s4");
[*]    s4.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test5() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "5. Testing: String copy ctor." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "5. Testing: String copy ctor." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s5("Haley Laurel");
[*]    s5.setName("s5");
[*]    s5.print();
[*]    String t5(s5);
[*]    t5.setName("t5");
[*]    t5.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test6() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "6. Testing: String two arg (char, int) ctor." << endl << endl;
[*]	csis << "6. Testing: String two arg (char, int) ctor." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s6('*', 10);
[*]    s6.setName("s6");
[*]    s6.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test7() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "7. Testing: String assignment." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "7. Testing: String assignment." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s7("Samantha Morgan"), t7, u7;
[*]    s7.setName("s7");
[*]    t7.setName("t7");
[*]    u7.setName("u7");
[*]    t7 = u7 = s7;
[*]    s7.print();
[*]    t7.print();
[*]    u7.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test8() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "8. Testing: String assignment." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "8. Testing: String assignment." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s8("ABC");
[*]    s8.setName("s8");
[*]    s8 = s8;
[*]    s8.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test9() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "9. Testing: Implicit type conversion." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "9. Testing: Implicit type conversion." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s9;
[*]    s9 = "ABC";
[*]    s9.setName("s9");
[*]    s9.print();

[*]	wait();
[*]void test10() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "10. Testing: String concatenation." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "10. Testing: String concatenation." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s10("DEF");
[*]    String t10('H');
[*]    String u10("ABC" + s10 + "G" + t10 + 'I');
[*]    u10.setName("u10");
[*]    u10.print();
[*]    String v10('X' + u10);
[*]    v10.setName("v10");
[*]    v10.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test11() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "11. Testing: String concatenation." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "11. Testing: String concatenation." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s11('A');
[*]    String t11("BC");
[*]    s11.setName("s11");
[*]    t11.setName("t11");
[*]    s11 += s11 += t11 += 'D';
[*]    s11.print();
[*]    t11.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test12() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "12. Testing: String unary operator." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "12. Testing: String unary operator." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s12("Unary +");
[*]    String t12(+s12);
[*]    s12.setName("s12");
[*]    t12.setName("t12");
[*]    s12.print();
[*]    t12.print();
[*]    s12 = +s12;
[*]    s12.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test13() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "13. Testing: String comparison operators." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "13. Testing: String comparison operators." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s13("ABC"), t13("ABCD");
[*]    s13.setName("s13");
[*]    t13.setName("t13");
[*]    s13.print();
[*]    t13.print();

[*]	cout << endl;
[*]    cout << "== " << (s13 == t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    cout << "!= " << (s13 != t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    cout << "<  " << (s13 <  t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    cout << "<= " << (s13 <= t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    cout << ">  " << (s13 >  t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    cout << ">= " << (s13 >= t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    csis << endl;
[*]    csis << "== " << (s13 == t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    csis << "!= " << (s13 != t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    csis << "<  " << (s13 <  t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    csis << "<= " << (s13 <= t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    csis << ">  " << (s13 >  t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;
[*]    csis << ">= " << (s13 >= t13 ? "True" : "False") << endl;

[*]    wait();
[*]void test14() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "14. Testing: Overloaded subscript operator." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "14. Testing: Overloaded subscript operator." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s14("C++ is fun.");
[*]    s14.setName("s14");

[*]    for (int i = -1; i <= s14.getLength(); i++) 
[*]	{
[*]        char& ch = s14[i];
[*]        if (ch != '\0')
[*]            ++ch;
[*]    }

[*]    s14.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test15() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "15. Testing: Pointer notation." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "15. Testing: Pointer notation." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s15("ABCDE");
[*]    s15.setName("s15");

[*]    for(int i = 0; i < s15.getLength(); i++)
[*]        ++(*(s15+i));

[*]    for (int j = 0; j < s15.getLength(); j++) 
[*]	{
[*]        cout << *(j + s15);
[*]        csis << *(j + s15);
[*]    }

[*]    cout << endl;
[*]    csis << endl;

[*]    wait();
[*]void test16() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "16. Testing: Increment and decrement operators." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "16. Testing: Increment and decrement operators." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s16("ABC");
[*]    String t16(++s16);
[*]    s16.setName("s16");
[*]    t16.setName("t16");
[*]    s16.print();
[*]    t16.print();
[*]    String u16("ABC");
[*]    String v16(u16++);
[*]    u16.setName("u16");
[*]    v16.setName("v16");
[*]    u16.print();
[*]    v16.print();
[*]    String w16("ABC");
[*]    String x16(--w16);
[*]    w16.setName("w16");
[*]    x16.setName("x16");
[*]    w16.print();
[*]    x16.print();
[*]    String y16("ABC");
[*]    String z16(y16--);
[*]    y16.setName("y16");
[*]    z16.setName("z16");
[*]    y16.print();
[*]    z16.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test17() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "17. Testing: Substr function." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "17. Testing: Substr function." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s17("Jai Guru Dev"), t17;
[*]    s17.setName("s17");
[*]    t17.setName("t17");
[*]    t17 = s17.substr(4, 8);
[*]    s17.print();
[*]    t17.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test18() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "18. Testing: Output function." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "18. Testing: Output function." << endl << endl;

[*]    String s18("Haley");
[*]    String t18("Laurel");
[*]    String u18("Stegman");

[*]    cout << s18 << t18 << u18;
[*]    cout << endl;
[*]    csis << endl;

[*]    wait();
[*]void test19() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "19. Testing: ReverseString class." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "19. Testing: ReverseString class." << endl << endl;

[*]    ReverseString s19("Purusha");
[*]    ReverseString t19;
[*]    s19.setName("s19");
[*]    t19.setName("t19");
[*]    t19 = ~s19;
[*]    s19.print();
[*]    t19.print();
[*]    ReverseString u19(~~s19);
[*]    u19.setName("u19");
[*]    u19.print();

[*]    wait();
[*]void test20() 
[*]    system("cls");

[*]    cout << "20. Testing: CaseString class." << endl << endl;
[*]    csis << "20. Testing: CaseString class." << endl << endl;

[*]    CaseString s20("BaLLooN");
[*]    CaseString t20;
[*]    s20.setName("s20");
[*]    t20.setName("t20");
[*]    t20 = s20;
[*]    s20.print();
[*]    t20.print();
[*]    CaseString u20(s20);
[*]    u20.setName("u20");
[*]    u20.print();

[*]	wait();
[*]void wait() 
[*]    char buf;

[*]	cout << endl << "Press any key to continue." << endl;
[*]    csis << endl << endl;
[*]    cin.get(buf);

I can't understand why you need additional comments to compiler messages in that case,
Consider line #94:

String String::operator +(const String& str01, const String& str02) ...

Where is this member function (incorrect) declaration in the class String definition? It's incorrect because of correct overloaded binary operator+ prototype is

String String::operator+(const String&);

And so on...

Another defects (it's not a complete list:():

1. Why you declare comparisons as friends? Why comparison operators return int? There is a wonderful (and natural) type in C++ - bool and the natural way to overload operator== and others is:

bool String::operator==(const String&) const;

2.Line #38:

buf[0] = NULL;

NULL is a macros defined as a pointer constant value. Why you are trying to assign a pointer to char?

3. Line #51 (and line #66, and other lines):

buf = new char[sizeof(str01.buf)+1];

A value of sizeof(str01.buf) is a pointer to char size (see line#8), it's not a length of C-string strlen(str91.buf) referred via buf pointer!

Try to correct the code step by step...

just to clarify, when overloading operators there is no need to specify the name of the data type

Also, what i'm trying by overloading the + operator is to get two strings and return them as a one.

Also for the boolean operator i have no idea why is that they are suppose to return and int instead of a bool. It makes no sense to me but i have not been able to get an answer from my teacher

On line #38

buf[0] = NULL;

I'm just trying to set the first member of the array as a null value, probably i'm using the wrong notacion

I will change sizeof() for strlen() , thanks

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