So, I am supposed to be encoding and decoding hidden messages in images. I have perfect the decoding hidden messages part, but am a bit stuck on the encoding part (encoding a message by changing the red value in the pixel color to the unicode number of the letter. I thought I would use a for loop in the function to loop to each position in the string for the message, but that doesn't seem to work right. All I end up getting is the letter at the last position repeated to the end of the number of pixels. I am not sure what to do about that. Also, I want it to stop when it reaches the last letter/number/symbol in the string, but it doesn't do that either.
from image import *
def encode(im, secret):
mySecret = im.copy()
width = im.getWidth()
height = im.getHeight()
for row in range(0, height, 197):
for col in range(width):
t = 0
for i in range(1, 22, 1):
(r, g, b) = im.getPixel2D(col, row)
letter = secret[t]
mySecret.setPixel2D(col, row, (ord(letter), g, b))
t = t + 1"mysecret.png")
def decode(im,imSecret):
width = im.getWidth()
height = im.getHeight()
x = ""
y = ""
z = ""
for col in range(width):
for row in range(height):
(r, g, b) = im.getPixel2D(col, row)
(r1, g1, b1) = imSecret.getPixel2D(col, row)
if r != r1:
x = x + chr(r1)
if g != g1:
y = y + chr(g1)
if b != b1:
z = z + chr(b1)
return x
return y
return z
# *** The main part of the program ***
# Create a FileImage object from a specified image file
original = FileImage("nature_trail_2.png")
secret = "This is a secret code!"
encode1 = encode(original, secret)
# Create FileImage objects for the secret message files
secret1 = FileImage("secret.png")
secret2 = FileImage("secret2.png")
secret3 = FileImage("secret3.png")
secret4 = FileImage("mysecret.png")
#secret = raw_input("What do you want your secret to be: ")
# Call your function here
# *** YOU FILL THIS IN ***
message1 = decode(original, secret1)
message2 = decode(original, secret2)
message3 = decode(original, secret3)
message4 = decode(original, secret4)
# Determine if there was a secret message inside the file. If so, print out
# the message. If not, print out the statement "this file is clean."
if message1 == "":
print "This file is clean."
print message1
if message2 == "":
print "This file is clean."
print message2
if message3 == "":
print "This file is clean."
print message3
if message4 == "":
print "This file is clean."
print message4