My friend is doing a course in computer science and needs help with a few questions considering assembly. Well at least I think it is assembly. Here goes:

1. What alphabetic character will be moved into DL if the mov dl,25h instruction is executed?

2. What is the length of this program:

bits 16
org 0x100
jmp start
char: db 'A FISH'

start: mov bx, 1234h
shl bx,01
or bx,3333
test bl,20h
mov ah,02
mov dl,[char+5]
jnz display
mov dl,25h

int 21h
int 20h
;The End

3. Which ASCII character is stored in memory position 105h?

4. What are the actual memory positions that are associated with the labels start and display respectively?

5. Which are the first and last memory positions occupied by the program?

6. What is the machine code for MOV BX, 3412

7. Which of the following will be flagged as an error by DEBUG?

2: DB 456
3: MOV AH,56
5: DB 23


My friend is doing a course in computer science and needs help with a few questions considering assembly. Well at least I think it is assembly. Here goes:

1. What alphabetic character will be moved into DL if the mov dl,25h instruction is executed?

2. What is the length of this program:

bits 16
org 0x100
jmp start
char: db 'A FISH'

start: mov bx, 1234h
shl bx,01
or bx,3333
test bl,20h
mov ah,02
mov dl,[char+5]
jnz display
mov dl,25h

int 21h
int 20h
;The End

3. Which ASCII character is stored in memory position 105h?

4. What are the actual memory positions that are associated with the labels start and display respectively?

5. Which are the first and last memory positions occupied by the program?

6. What is the machine code for MOV BX, 3412

7. Which of the following will be flagged as an error by DEBUG?

2: DB 456
3: MOV AH,56
5: DB 23


1. What? You can't google for an ascii table? Maybe your 'friend' should review his course materials.

2.See 1
3.See 1
4.See 1 or open up a debugger
5.See 4
6.See 4
7..... why don't you...... run it through debug and see for yourself.

What is first day of class homework? And you/he is already giving up?

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