So my Data Structures class has finished the book we were using, but we still have a week of school left. My instructor has started going over binary files... only problem is I wasn't there when he went over it.
My assignment is to open a binary file, save the contents to a dynamic array, and output the contents to the screen. I'm getting close (I think) but when I output the array, it's not outputting in clear text. What am I doing wrong?
Here's what I have so far... but I'm really confused right now. This is the accumulation of a lot of copy/paste.
// emprecs.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 12;
struct employee {
char fname[SIZE];
char lname[SIZE];
float wage;
float hours;
void print() ;
// readTxt() reads the records in input.txt, stores them in ary,
// and returns the number of records read
int readTxt(employee ary[]);
// writeBin() writes the array of employee records to output.bin
void writeBin(employee ary[], int n);
void readFile(employee ray[]);
int main()
employee payroll[SIZE];
int count = readTxt(payroll); // count = number of records in file
if ( count > 0 ) {
writeBin(payroll, count);
} // endif
readFile(payroll) ;
cout << endl;
cout.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(payroll), sizeof(employee) * count);
cout << "\n\n-- Program Complete --\n\n" ;
return 0;
int readTxt(employee ary[])
char temp[SIZE];
int k = 0;
ifstream inFil( "input.txt" );
if ( inFil.is_open() ) {
while ( !inFil.eof() ) {
inFil.getline(ary[k].fname, SIZE, ',');
inFil.getline(ary[k].lname, SIZE, ',');
inFil.getline(temp, SIZE, ',');
ary[k].wage = static_cast<float>(atof(temp));
inFil.getline(temp, SIZE);
ary[k].hours = static_cast<float>(atof(temp));
} // endwhile
for ( int j = 0; j < k-1; j++ )
cout << ary[j].fname << ',' << ary[j].lname << ','
<< ary[j].wage << ',' << ary[j].hours << endl;
else {
cout << "\n\nUnable to open input file. Please verify filename and permissions.\n\n";
} // endif
return k;
void writeBin(employee ary[], int n)
ofstream binOut("output.bin", ios::binary);
if ( binOut.is_open() ) {
binOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&n), sizeof(int));
binOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(ary), sizeof(employee) * n);
else {
cout << "\nCannot open output file - verify filename and permissions\n";
} // endif
void readFile(employee ray[])
ifstream fin("output.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);
if ( fin.is_open() ) { reinterpret_cast <char *>(ray), sizeof(employee) * SIZE);
cout << "Number of bytes read is: " << fin.gcount();
cout << "File not opened" << endl;
} // endif
Example Output:
Martha, Stewart,2.4,40
Jim, Jailson,3.4,30
George, Jefferson,5.9,45
Number of bytes read is: 132
♦ Martha cÉδ% Stewart FB ÜÖ↓@ BJim ☻ ¶δ% Jailson íRcÜÖY@ ≡AGeorge `C☼
Jefferson ═╠╝@ 4B δ% ☻╡ScY┼☼ `C☼
-- Program Complete --
Press any key to continue . . .