I know I don't have much done, but I am really stuck and my grade does ride on this. I have used this website to write my other problems please help. I know I have the inputof the intergers wrong. and the program is due tomorrow. please help!
// *************************************************************
// BigInt.cpp
// This program adds large integers that are stored in arrays.
// The digits are stored in the array in reverse order so that
// addition is easier. The program allows a user to keep doing
// more additions as long as he/she wishes.
// *************************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;
typedef int* IntArrayPtr;
const int MAX_SIZE = 20;
void inputBigInt(IntArrayPtr &a, int& sizeA);
// Precondition: The user is ready to enter an integer
// Postcondition: The digits of the integer read in are stored
// in reverse order in the array a and the number of digits is
// stored in sizeA. Array a will have been dynamically allocated
void outputBigInt(IntArrayPtr a, int sizeA);
// Precondition: a is defined
// Postcondition: The integer represented by a has been output.
void add (IntArrayPtr a, int sizeA, IntArrayPtr b, int sizeB,
int& sizeSum);
// Precondition: Parameters a, sizeA, b and sizeB have values.
// Postcondition: The parameter sum contains the sum of the
// integers represented by a and b and sizeSum contains the number of
// digits in the sum. Array sum will have been dynamically allocated.
// ========================
// main function
// ========================
int main()
IntArrayPtr a;
IntArrayPtr b;
IntArrayPtr sum;
int sizeA, sizeB, sizeSum;
const int MAX_SIZE = 20;
char goAgain; // loop control
cout << endl;
cout << "Addition of big integers" << endl << endl;
do {
// Get two big integers
inputBigInt(a, sizeA);
inputBigInt(b, sizeB);
// Find the sum and print the result
// add (a, sizeA, b, sizeB, sum, sizeSum);
cout << "The sum of ";
outputBigInt(a, sizeA);
cout << " and ";
outputBigInt(b, sizeB);
cout << " is ";
outputBigInt (sum, sizeSum);
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Add two more? (y or n): ";
// Release the memory
delete[] a;
delete[] b;
delete[] sum;
cin >> goAgain;
while (goAgain == 'y' || goAgain == 'Y');
return 0;
// =================================
// Function definitions
// =================================
void outputBigInt (IntArrayPtr a, int sizeA)
// Print the digits in reverse order
for (int i = 0; i < sizeA; i++)
cout << a[sizeA - i - 1];
// --------------------------------
// ----- ENTER YOUR CODE HERE -----
// --------------------------------
// Precondition: The user is ready to enter an integer
// Postcondition: The digits of the integer read in are stored
// in reverse order in the array a and the number of digits is
// stored in sizeA. Array a will have been dynamically allocated
void inputBigInt(IntArrayPtr &a, int& sizeA)
char* NumberArray;
NumberArray = new char[MAX_SIZE];
using namespace std;
char number;
cout << "Please enter a number. ";
cin >> number;
NumberArray[MAX_SIZE] = number;
cout << NumberArray[MAX_SIZE];
cout << endl;
void add (IntArrayPtr a, int sizeA, IntArrayPtr b, int sizeB,
int& sizeSum){
// --------------------------------
// --------- END USER CODE --------
// --------------------------------