Please can some one help me with codes to check and see if a text box contains first name, space and surname

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Please can some one help me with codes to check and see if a text box contains first name, space and surname

Dim sValue as string = TextBox1.Text

Dim pos As Integer = 0
Dim sValue As String = "Some Text"
Dim sFirstName As String = ""
Dim sLastName As String = ""

'look for a space in the text
pos = InStr(sValue, " ", CompareMethod.Text)
If pos > 0 Then
'a space was found
sFirstName = Mid(sValue, 1, pos - 1)
sLastName = Mid(sValue, pos, Len(sValue))
MsgBox("You need to supply your full name", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Full Name Required")
End If

Something along those lines...

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