hi every body ..

in this link :


i wrote program in c#

in this program .. i wanna

[ if txtname == txtpassword ]
Show ( FrmClient ) ,, by click on button Login ..


BUT ..

in this code .. it shows ( a new form ) ,, not show ( FrmClient )..

i tried more more ten times .. but i havn't any nice results ..

I don't know .. Y ?

PLZ PLZ .. HLP me ..

i neeeeed this program more more ..


I noticed that if both the username and password textbox are blank, they proper access :P You might want to change this by doing

if(this.username.Text.Length < 5)
        MessageBox.Show("You must input 5 or more characters for    username!", null);
else if(this.password.Text == "")
       MessageBox.Show("You must input a password!", null)

thanx .. :p


but .. what about ( show FrmClient ) ?

did you found any result ?

To show a form which is hidden use FrmClient.Show();


thanx Danny ..


i did it .. :$

i'm change form's name b4 any work ..

that's it ^_^

thanx ..

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