Hello Friends
I am developing an application in C# , basically it intercept all the event of Visual Source Safe. Earlier code was in VB.net but Now we are migrating to C#.
Now I am unable to find replacement of following funtion of VB.
VB code Starts here:
Function VSSHandler_BeforeCheckIn(ByVal Item bla bla bla)
shouldTakeVersion = False
For Each objVSSVersion In Item.Versions
If shouldTakeVersion And Left(objVSSVersion.Label, 10) <> "Production" Or Left(objVSSVersion.Label, 10) = "production" Then
intProdVersion = objVSSVersion.VersionNumber
Exit For
End If
If Left(objVSSVersion.Label, 10) = "Production" Or Left(objVSSVersion.Label, 10) = "production" Then
shouldTakeVersion = True
End If
Next objVSSVersion
VB code Ends here:
I will be glad if someone can explain this code and gives me difference of Item.Version and Item.Versions..
Waiting for prompt reply.