i hv 8 movies to select in my list but i show only 2 for example.
Public Class frmSelect
Dim currenttotal As Integer
Private Sub listPlaying_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstPlaying.SelectedIndexChanged
If lstPlaying.SelectedIndex = 0 Then 'If the first movie is selected
grpOverview.Visible = True 'Make the info groupbox visible
grpCart.Visible = True 'Make the cart groupbox visible
lblClickshowtime.Visible = False 'Label disappears as groupbox appears
lblStartadding.Visible = False 'Label disappears as groupbox appears
picMovie.Image = My.Resources.bridewars 'Changes the image to the movie pic
lblmovie.Text = "Bride War" 'Changes label text to the movie's name
lblRelease.Text = "January 9, 2009" 'Changes label text to the release date
lblRating.Text = "PG" 'Changes label text to movie rating
lblGenre.Text = "Comedy" 'Changes label text to movie genre
lbllength.Text = "1hr 30min" 'Change label text to movie length
'Change label text to show synopsis
lblSynopsis.Text = "Two best friends become rivals when they schedule their respective weddings on the same day."
lblShow1.Text = "03:00 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
lblShow2.Text = "05:30 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
lblShow3.Text = "08:15 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
lblShow4.Text = "10:20 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
ElseIf lstPlaying.SelectedIndex = 1 Then 'If the second movie is selected
grpOverview.Visible = True 'Make the info groupbox visible
grpCart.Visible = True 'Make the cart groupbox visible
lblClickshowtime.Visible = False 'Label disappears as groupbox appears
lblStartadding.Visible = False 'Label disappears as groupbox appears
picMovie.Image = My.Resources.antoofighter2 'Changes the image to the movie pic
lblmovie.Text = "antoofighter" 'Changes label text to the movies name
lblRelease.Text = "January 16, 2009" 'Changes label text to the release date
lblRating.Text = "U" 'Changes label text to movie rating
lblGenre.Text = "Horror, Comedy" 'Changes label text to movie genre
lbllength.Text = "1hr 54min" 'Change label text to movie length
'Change label text to show synopsis
lblSynopsis.Text = "Antoofighter is a top secret group consisting of 5 chosen people on earth to protect the world from evil spirits every 60 years."
lblShow1.Text = "12:45 am" 'Change showtime for the label
lblShow2.Text = "01:00 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
lblShow3.Text = "04:15 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
lblShow4.Text = "06:00 pm" 'Change showtime for the label
This is my method to add new items using access.But can't run
For the add code
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
if btnAdd = &add Then
picMovie.Image ='' My.Resources.''
lblmovie.Text = " "
lblRelease.Text = " "
lblRating.Text = " "
lblGenre.Text = " "
lbllength.Text = " "
lblSynopsis.Text = " "
lblShow1.Text = " "
lblShow2.Text = " "
lblShow3.Text = " "
lblShow4.Text = " "
End Sub