Hi all,

I just get stuck with this kind of simple problem. Such a novice i am.
Could you help me guys.:$

I try to built the code and for the first procedure i should open first the file. The file which i should opened its depend on the input i gave. Compiling it's OK. But It's not working. There no sign at all.

Here the code. (i am also attach kind of file i should open in this code)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


    FILE *finput, *fopen();
    int i;
    char pfile[80];
	printf ("Type number of input (between 1 to 3): ");
    scanf ("%i", i);
    if (i = 1)
    pfile == "pf1";
    else if (i = 2)
    pfile == "pf2";
    else if (i = 3)
    pfile == "pf3";
   	 {printf ("Invalid Input, the number should between 1 to 3!!!");}
    finput = fopen(pfile, "r");
    if(finput==NULL) {printf("Error: can't open the file.txt\n");return 2;}
    else {printf("File opened successfully.\n");}      


Thank you in advanced


Is this your first post? It isn't. Post source code in BB tag - click on # icon above the text area of message.

Had you compiled this code?

Well do you know what exactly you are doing or what you want to do ?

FILE *fopen(); // Why this ?

And what are you expecting the computer to display when you are just opening the file and closing it ?

finput = fopen(pfile, "r");

if(finput==NULL) {printf("Error: can't open the file.txt\n");return 2;}
else {printf("File opened successfully.\n");}


And why so much complexity?

char pfile[80];
printf ("Type number of input (between 1 to 3): ");
scanf ("%i", i); // Error here in scaning (no &)
if (i = 1)
pfile == "pf1";
else if (i = 2)
pfile == "pf2";
else if (i = 3)
pfile == "pf3";
{printf ("Invalid Input, the number should between 1 to 3!!!");}
finput = fopen(pfile, "r");

The complete thing above can be done just by:

char pfile[80];
printf ("Type number of input (between 1 to 3): ");
scanf ("%i",&i);

My mistake with *fopen()...
yes i compiled it..not error message appears..


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