nowadays,i think i am the first man of trying to develop an ai program.
the basic workflow is read two files,one input file(this file is
generated computer peripheral OCR equipment) and another(this file is
generated by customs expected result,it's made-to-order by
miscellaneous software,in future,this kind of results or problems can
be find by machine-self)
please tell me,how do i use DOS function 42h to control file pointer
read/write contextual two files.after prepare for many algorithm
for example:
BufSize = 5000
infile BYTE "my_text_file.txt",0
outfile BYTE "my_output_file.txt",0
inHandle WORD ?
outHandle WORD ?
buffer BYTE BufSize DUP(?)
bytesRead WORD ?
address dw ?
main PROC
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
; Open the input file
mov ax,716Ch ; extended create or open
mov bx,0 ; mode = read-only
mov cx,0 ; normal attribute
mov dx,1 ; action: open
mov si,OFFSET infile
int 21h ; call MS-DOS
jc quit ; quit if error
mov inHandle,ax
; Read the input file
mov ah,3Fh ; read file or device
mov bx,inHandle ; file handle
mov cx,BufSize ; max bytes to read
mov dx,OFFSET buffer ; buffer pointer
int 21h
jc quit ; quit if error
mov bytesRead,ax
; Display the buffer
mov ah,40h ; write file or device
mov bx,1 ; console output handle
mov cx,BufSize ; number of bytes
mov dx,OFFSET buffer ; buffer pointer
int 21h
jc quit ; quit if error
; Close the file
mov ah,3Eh ; function: close file
mov bx,inHandle ; input file handle
int 21h ; call MS-DOS
jc quit ; quit if error
; Create the output file
mov ah,3dh ; extended create or open
mov bx,1 ; mode = write-only
mov cx,0
mov al,0; normal attribute
; mov dx,13h ; action: create/truncate
mov si,OFFSET outfile
int 21h ; call MS-DOS
jc quit ; quit if error
mov outHandle,ax ; save handle
;mov ax,42h
;mov bx,outhandle
;mov cx,10
;mov al,0
;int 21h
;mov address,dx
; Write buffer to new file
mov ah,40h ; write file or device
mov bx,outHandle ; output file handle
mov cx,bytesRead ; number of bytes
mov dx,OFFSET buffer; buffer pointer
int 21h
jc quit ; quit if error
;loop next
; Close the file
mov ah,3Eh ; function: close file
mov bx,outHandle ; output file handle
int 21h ; call MS-DOS
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main
the goal is accomplish segmental reading,after computing,finally step
outcome the procedure of dynamic demonstration.