Ok, so this is kind of a complicated question... but...

Ok so I have a python script, you enter some numbers it gives you some numbers back that sort of thing. But of course right now it just looks like a black window with text.
kind of like this.

But is it possible to make it actually look like an application? Kind of like this? Is it even possible with python, or do you have to use C++ or java or something?

You can use the standard Tkinter module or download wxPython. There are others but those are the most popular I think. Google for tutorials.

Of all the dumb, shallow requests I've seen on this site, this has to be the dumbest and shallowest.

ok, great i've heard 'tkinter' before wasn't sure what it was...
but i've found a beginning tutorial should be fine

thanks a lot

ok, great i've heard 'tkinter' before wasn't sure what it was...
but i've found a beginning tutorial should be fine

thanks a lot

Well, we all had to start Python at some time, and I remember it took a while to get familiar with all the available tools. The Python syntax is relatively easy, the trouble starts trying to remember the many modules and what they do for you!

Welcome to Python!

Here is some Tkinter stuff on the internet:
More or less the reference manual ...


Includes some nice Tkinter examples ...

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