I've been browsing the web for a while looking for an answer to this but I can't seem to find it. I created a .resx file in one of my DLL files that has a bunch of images stored on it. In this DLL I'm using an extended ImageManager (CustomImageManager) to get access to the images on my .resx file.

What I've been trying to do is let a user pic what image they want to display from this .resx file. The only problem is I can't figure out a way to get the names of the images from the resx file so that the user can choose the image by name! Can anyone help me with this?

(Bonus Question)
The entire code is an isometric map-building program. I used the .resx file to encapsulate all the tile images that a user can pick from when building there map. Is there a more efficient way to store these images besides saving them to the HDD or a .resx file?



What are you doing is called satellite dll which holds some resources to another programs it's OK, but for your scenario I find database is scalable more than using satellite dll. what if you user needs to add some pictures to your image collections? if you are using satellite dll you need to do intermediate class to talk to both .resx and external application and this intermediate class can handle naming and so on.

Well then can someone tell me how do i store images in a database when performance is a factor? Eventually I might want to add a networking element to this program...

Nevermind, there are plenty of tutorials about this subject.

Well then can someone tell me how do i store images in a database when performance is a factor? Eventually I might want to add a networking element to this program...

If performance is a factor then you should be using a database to begin with. I can't think of many data retrieval operations that can be done faster by another method versus using an enterprise database (I mean microsoft SQL server of course!).

Post more information on your project specification and i'm sure we can give you better advice on how to approach the problem. Ramy is correct on the database giving you the scalability and flexibility that your program probably requires.

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