I have a recursive function. My base case is:

[INDENT]if len(somelist) == 0[/INDENT]

This is suppose to return the function to the place where it was called from.


But I get this error:

AttributeError: Trie instance has no attribute '__len__'

This is what I print out:

Somemethod called..
length: 1
Somemethod called..
length: 1
Somemethod called..
length: 2
Somemethod called..
length: 1
Somemethod called..
length: 1
Somemethod called..
length: 0
I'm trying to return... I found error! -- this is the base case!
Somemethod called..

length is the len of the list.
Can someone kindly help me out!



Each nesting has to be self contained. It should pass (fall out) of the nesting with an error.

bool DoMyTask(    .... )


            if (!DoMyTask( ... ))
                  return false;

    return true;

AttributeError: Trie instance has no attribute '__len__'

This indicates that the object you have passed to your recursive method is not a built-in datatype. I'm guessing it's a class that you wrote called Trie.

In order to use the built-in len() function on a user-defined object, you must overload the __len__ function of that class.

Let me demonstrate:

>>> class myClass(object):
...     def __init__(self, param):
...         self.param = param
...     def __len__(self):
...         return len(self.param)
>>> mc = myClass('Test')
>>> len(mc)
>>> mc = myClass([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
>>> len(mc)

So basically, you need to define what the len() function should be getting the length of. In this case I want it to tell me the length of the param member.

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