I have a game That I would like to release the first version of soon. The game is written in c++, but I would like to add a feature to were before the game starts, it connects to the internet, and downloads a file from my webpage to check to see if there is a new version for download.

Ive searched EVERYWHERE on how to do this in c++, and can't find anything. Does anyone know a tutorial were I could learn how? and it doesn't even have to be in c++. It can be in java, or any other language.

are you talking about a update checker for your game?

example.. you release the game.. and after a couple of months. you release a update for your game...

so everytime the user plays the game .. it check first if the is available update for the game.???

are you talking about a update checker for your game?

example.. you release the game.. and after a couple of months. you release a update for your game...

so everytime the user plays the game .. it check first if the is available update for the game.???

Yes, thats exactly what I mean

okay.. i will try to find solution on your problem as soon as possible.. i will ask some of my sensai.

Open an HTTP connection to your server, then do a "get" to retrieve some information.

You'll also need to "digitally sign" whatever you upload to the server so that your clients (when they download it) will know that it is genuine.

>Open an HTTP connection to your server, then do a "get" to retrieve some
You may use cURL(if you are using C )cURLpp(if you are using C++) as a library which implements HTTP/GET and HTTP/POST

Okay. Thanks guys, but that went a bit over my head. I undersand what your saying, but I'm not sure how to do all that. Can you point me towards a tutorial on how to do all that stuff you said? that would be great.

You are going to have to look into socket programming i think. ive never done it myself, so i cant really say much on it, but i think its dependent on the platform you're using.

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