I have found out that goto is bad in C++? Why? I just got a book the other day (for my birthday :)) and it says it is fine to use.
Also the book doesn't use brackets ({}) these things around else (statement?), I can see why that is a bad habit though. Because the else statements can 'fall through' the code below it
cout<<"Next time please enter one of the fruits requested!"<<endl;
cout<<"You have selected "<<ftype<<" "<<fruit<<endl;
I have read stuff online about cin and cin.ignore and why you must use that at the end, but I dont really understand what it means when it says \n is built into it or something. Again, my book doesn't explain.
I could really use a good beginner's guide to C++ (mine is obviously junk :()
Thanks to everyone that reads and posts :). Good night :)