Can anyone please help me in understanding the below as i need to debug it for finding out the reason for signal 11 in the code,

Caught fatal signal 11 (Segmentation Fault)
utl_dump_stack: Start of stack trace (using walkcontext) for pid 17461
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:std::list<LDAPCtrl,std::allocator<LDAPCtrl> >::iterator std::list<LDAPCtrl,std::allocator<LDAPCtrl> >::erase(std::list<LDAPCtrl,std::allocator<LDAPCtrl> >::iterator,std::list<LDAPCtrl,std::allocator<LDAPCtrl> >::iterator)+0xf4 [ Signal 368 ]
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:LDAPConstraints::~LDAPConstraints #Nvariant 1()+0x6c
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:LDAPMessageQueue*LDAPAsynConnection::extOperation(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&,const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&,const LDAPConstraints*)+0x1e0
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:LDAPExtResult*LDAPConnection::extOperation(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&,const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&,const LDAPConstraints*)+0x7c
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:void LDAPFacadePkg::LDAPFacade::extOperation(const SWString,const SWString,const LDAPConstraints*)+0x114
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:void LDAPSessionLayer::LDAPSLSessionImpl::_processCommand(const SWString&,SDDTools::NVSet&)+0x48d4
/data/runtime/mycode/LDAPv3SL/prodlib/libLDAPv3SL_impl.so:ObjSrv::ReturnCode LDAPSessionLayer_priv::LDAPSLSessionImpl::_processCommand(SWEngine*,OSDispChannel*,OSProxyObject*,OSStruct*)+0x1d4

Thanks in advance

It looks like you're trying to erase something from a list which has no value. So maybe you've declared a list somewhere and forgot to put values in it, but you're still trying to access some (non-existent) element?

Without seeing your code, it's kind of a guessing game though.

many thanks nick...

i want to add some things into this as it wud help our friends to make me understand more,
as per my analysis,
if u can see the destructors calling part of the log, after cheking the code, i observe the following,
On calling the LDAPRequest destructor as LDAPRequest::~LDAPRequest(), it deletes the object of LDAPConstraints class which now calls its destructor on invoking 'delete'
- LDAPConstraints::~LDAPConstraints, which deletes the objects of LDAPControlSet class which thereby calls LDAPControlSet destructor,
- LDAPControlSet::~LDAPControlSet(), which is not doing anything instead printing a debug statement

is it a matter of concern??

thanks in advance.

Actually, the logs pasted in my first post shows the reason of segmentation fault but i am not able to understand it as actually where the problem lies??

please advice.

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