I recently downloaded the Eclipse(Ganymede) EE editor.I also downloaded the web application server community(WASCE 2.1) edition from IBM.
I started off with a simple HelloWorld web application.i just displayed the msg in the default index.jsp page.
When I deploy the application on the WASCE server the web browser is showing the page not found error.
when I used the apache tomcat server (v6.0)
it showed the msg
error 404:
locolhost:8084/HelloWorld/ resource not found
When I tried out the same project in NetBeans 6.5 it worked fine.
I think there is no problem with the server.
I must be doing some mistake while setting up the server or the project in eclipse.
Can anyone help me out.Please mail me at vinaykumar1690@gmail.com for any clarifications in the error.
I am not able to find out what the problem is.please help me out..