1) Diff b/w nothing & string in terms of variable declaration.

2)Erase keyword.
I have never heard of such keyword in mine whole 1 + yrs of exp.

3) Diff b/w functions & properties?
I say,Functions return a value,But propertiesare used to set or get the values. He say properties also return a value.

4)How can we use a class as a datasource?

5)Partial Class?
hey frnds above question is for C++ na.Or there is also such class in VB.Net.

6)When the error stack overflow comes?

7) How we can we make indefinite loop , without uusing any variable declaration.
This is the only answer of above of them that i answred correctly.

Do While True


I'm just going to copy/paste from the help file to answer your questions.

1. you use nothing to assign the default value for that for that data type. "Nothing" for reference data types is effectively a null, nothing for an integer would be 0. You don't declare a variable as nothing.

2. Erase: "Used to release array variables and deallocate the memory used for their elements."

Dim threeDimArray(9, 9, 9), twoDimArray(9, 9) As Integer
Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray
ReDim threeDimArray(4, 4, 9)

3. a function with 0 parameters is functionally identical in concept to a property. functions can have extra parameters where properties cannot, and functions can also return multiple values. Take this for example:

Public Shared Function TryParse ( _
	s As String, _
	<OutAttribute> ByRef result As Integer _
) As Boolean

In this case a boolean is returned if the parse failed -- and it also returns the parsed integer value if the parse was successful. A property cannot do this.

4. Interfaces -- IListSource .
"Implement the IListSource interface to create a bindable class that does not implement IList but instead provides a list from another location."

5. This means the definition for the class resides in multiple files. This allows for designer generated code to be in a separate file than the user generated code. Open up the .designer.vb files:

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Form1

6. If you have a method that calls itself too many times. This will create a stack overflow:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
	End Sub

	Private Sub DoSomething()
	End Sub

7. That question is arbitrary and you are right. You can also use existing variables as a condition for continuing the loop so the code would depend on what type of application you were using.

Did you get the job?

commented: You should get the job :) +36

Sir I ,m alraedy working as a VB>Net developer,i m looking for change,but i dont think so dat mine dis interview will going to be clear!!! Mine bad luck.


Better luck next time! Please mark this thread as solved if I have answered all 7 of your questions.

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