what would really be fun would be .... how to print a circle of asterisks ...
i've been trying for a while and have been getting all kinds of lopsided shapes ....
.... even some shapes that I never knew existed ..... :lol:

Could somebody out there please help moi out .... I would be most grateful ....

what would really be fun would be .... how to print a circle of asterisks ...
i've been trying for a while and have been getting all kinds of lopsided shapes ....
.... even some shapes that I never knew existed ..... :lol:

Could somebody out there please help moi out .... I would be most grateful ....

lol@"getting all kinds of lopsided shapes"

I can imagine, if i had a computer i'd try my hand as this myself

murgi666: Please use code tags.

oops .... sorry i forgot to put comments in my code ..... guess i was of no help at all, huh ? ...... :'-( ....
my mistake


Please do not hijack the discussion at hand... the circle comments were completely different than the triangle. It's just not fair to the thread starter.


>how to print a circle of asterisks ...
By the very nature of character based output, a circle is impossible. If the radius is large enough, you can come up with something that's not a diamond or a square trying in vain to be a circle, but that radius would have to be at least 6 or 7 characters (aka. a pretty big circle).


I thought I would add too that you will need a mono-spaced font in order for the ASCII art to appear legit. If you have a proportional font in there, it could cause alignment issues. That is the main reason we want to see CODE tags on the code pasted here at DW.... it forces a mono-space font for alignment.


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