I have read a lot of examples on 32-bit division and I have seen a lot of,

mov edx, hiword ;load edx with hi word of dividend
mov eax, loword ;load eax with lo word of dividend
mov ebx, divisor ;load ebx with divisor
div ebx ;quotient goes into eax, remainder into edx

I don't understand the hi and low

here is what I got so far, but I don't know where to go for the dividing part.

mWrite "Enter for X: "
	call readint
	mov x, eax
	mWrite "Enter for Y: "
	call readint
	mov y, eax

after that I successfully store my input into variables I declared as DWORD, all the examples I have seen I can't seem to incorporate that logic into my program.

This is what I got so far, the program bombs when I enter the second number.


sum DWORD ?
rem DWORD ?

Divide Macro:

mDivide MACRO intX:REQ, intY:REQ, intSum:REQ
	mWrite "Enter for X: "
	call readint
	mov x, eax
	mWrite "Enter for Y: "
	call readint
	mov y, eax
	xor edx, edx
	mov edx, x
	mov ebx, y
	div ebx
	mov sum, edx
	push edx
	mov edx, OFFSET intSum
	call WriteString
	pop edx
	call Crlf	

	mDivide x, y, sum

With a 32-bit divisor it is divided against the quad-word
in EDX:EAX, quotient is returned in EAX, remainder in EDX.
You said you do not understand the hi and lo part,
they represent the high and low DWORDs of a 64-bit value.
Thus EDX:EAX represent one whole value, EDX representing
the 32 most significant bits and EAX representing the 32
least significant bits, if I got this right.

Here's an example with a 16-bit divisor.
With a 16-bit divisor it is divided against the
Lets say we have the value 2147483648d as are
dividend, this is 80000000h.
8000h the high word would go in DX.
0000h the low word would go in AX.

MOV DX,8000h
DIV CX               ; DX:AX / CX
; 80000000h / FFFFh = [AX] 8000h [DX] 0000

And also do not forget that the quotient cannot be larger
than the destination register.
So when using a 16-bit divisor make sure the quotient
will not be larger than 16-bits, the size of AX.
And when using a 32-bit divisor make sure the quotient
will not be larger than 32-bits, the size of EAX.

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