Hi everyone,
My code is an attempt to teach myself Python. I am looking to create a series of loops using the range function to read data from excel. My problem doesn't lie with reading the data from excel, I know the functions for this, my problem is setting up the third loop to read a desired set of data off the worksheets.
The problem I have lies with the if loop for incrementing j. All my attempts have ended with the program not reading the data, reading only the first cell for all the new columns, or reading only the last cell value.
I am looking for help to make the if loop increment to cell number 6.
for r in range(11,12):
for i in range(0,6):
if (j<7):
if(ws.Cells(c,8).Value == Iteration):
print'Value of r=',r
print'Value of r=',i
print'Value of r=',j
if (a == 6):
If I havn't explained myself well enough I can explain more if needed.
Thanks for reading this