Hi All,
I have an issue regarding multi threading on windows XP :
I have some x number of port commands which I have to send one by one to a device & then store the device response in an excel file.
I used the unittest module to make a test case for each command. I have envoked a thread to run this script in the back ground. If I have to stop the script execution I can call the tear down function which does the following:
1. saves & closes the excel file
2. exits the thread
But when it tries to save & close the excel file I get error:
File "C:\DOCUME~1\\LOCALS~1\Temp\gen_py\2.5\00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046x0x1x5.py", line 31116, in Close , Filename, RouteWorkbook)
<class 'pywintypes.com_error'>: (-2147417842, 'The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread.', None, None)
1. What should be done to prevent this error?
2. What does ‘thread.get_ident()’ returns? Is this the process id? I tried to kill the thread using this but it says no such process
3. If I use ‘thread.exit()’ it kills the thread along with every thing else( the main script that invoked the thread). Is there some way I can kill the thread without killing my main script?
Thanks in advance for your help.