Hey there everyone. I David. I am have a problem with the end of line keystroke ( Ctrl+Z ) in the Netbeans and JBuilder Compiler, when I press the buttons simultaneously nothing happens but when I do it in Eclipse it works fine. Here is a look at the code.Help is gladly appreciated.

 * Gradebook.java
 * Created on July 5, 2009, 10:41 AM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author David
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Gradebook 
    private String courseName;
    private int gradeTotal = 0;
    private int gradeCounter = 0;
    private int aCount = 0;
    private int bCount = 0;
    private int cCount = 0;
    private int dCount = 0;
    private int fCount = 0;
    //class constructor initializing variables
    public Gradebook ( String name )
        courseName = name;
    }//end of contructor
    //assigns value to course name
    public void setCourseName ( String name )
        courseName = name;
    }//end of method
    //retrieves and displays course name 
    public String getCourseName ()
        return courseName;
    }//end of method
    //Determines class average
    public void inputGrades ()
        //create scanner to obtain input from user
        Scanner input = new Scanner ( System.in );
        int grade; //initializes and declare variable
        System.out.printf ( "%s\n%s\n", 
        	                "Enter grades in the range 0 - 100.",
        	                "To exit entry type the end-of-line input (Ctrl + z),then press enter ");
        //loops while condition is not met
        while ( input.hasNext() )
           grade = input.nextInt();
           gradeTotal = gradeTotal + grade;
          incrementLetterGradeCounter ( grade );      
    public void incrementLetterGradeCounter ( int score )
    	switch ( score / 10 )
    		case 9:
    		case 10:
    		case 8:
    		case 7:
    		case 6:
    //displays a welcome message to the user
    public void displayMessage () 
        System.out.printf ( "Welcome to the gradebook for:\n%s!\n" , getCourseName () );
    }//end of method displaymessage
    //Displays report card for class
    public void gradeReport ()
    	double average = 0;
    	System.out.print ( "Grade Report:" );
    	if ( gradeCounter != 0 )
         	average = ( double ) gradeTotal / gradeCounter; //Calculates class average
        	System.out.printf ( "The total of the %d grades entered is:%d\n", gradeCounter, gradeTotal );
            System.out.printf ( "\nThe Class average is:%.2f", average );
            System.out.printf ( "%s\n\n%s%d\n%s%d\n%s%d\ns%d\ns%d\n",
            	"The number of students who received each grade",
            	"A: ",aCount,
            	"B: ",bCount,
            	"C: ",cCount,
            	"D: ",dCount,
            	"F: ",fCount );
        	  System.out.print ( "No grades were entered" );

 /*//Checks if any grades were entered
 * GradeTest.java
 * Created on July 5, 2009, 11:08 AM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author David

public class GradeTest 
    public static void main ( String args [] ) 
        //create an object of the class gradebook and assign it to mygradebook
        Gradebook myGradeBook = new Gradebook ( "Computer Science" );

IDE provides output window but it is not a console command prompt. So try to run your console application at command prompt.

commented: Super! +1

IDE provides output window but it is not a console command prompt. So try to run your console application at command prompt.

Thank you very much for clearing that up. But I must ask though, how comes Eclipse's IDE allows for that specific keystore?

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