Hi guys i need help on this can help me can help me to correct it. I want the inner join table 1 & table 2 not show a row in the data grid in the vb6
my sql statement is like this:
sql = " Select * from staff_badgeTracking " _
& " inner join staff_badgeTrackingNew " _
& " On staff_badgeTracking.Badge_ID = staff_badgeTrackingNew.Badge_ID"
the output something like this
Badge ID Emp_ID Emp_Name Badge_ID Emp ID Emp_Name
1234 5566 Nana 1234 7788 Nana
If i dun to show like that can show then show like this way in the data grid:
Badge ID Emp_ID Emp_Name
1234 5566 Nana
1234 7788 Nana