I prepared one software. Now i want that nobody can install this software without a activation code. How can I generate such an activation key.

I prepared one software. Now i want that nobody can install this software without a activation code. How can I generate such an activation key.

You must be restrict them so that nobody can generate without an activation key....

Any way you want to...

prime numbers
base 36
some sort of encryption

Good Luck

why dont you just use a Setup Maker Program or Setup Factory by Indigo Rose, it can generate serial key or password for the installation software...

You must be restrict them so that nobody can generate without an activation key....

That thing I am asking how can i Restrict to others from using that software. How can I Generate an activation code for installation.

Prime numbers converted to base 36, users name hashed by MD5 or other hash algorithm, any way you want. Search the web, this has been covered may times before and there are many snippets out there.

Good Luck

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