If I delete a pointer, does it delete the data in the current address or all of it?


bool *dat;
dat=new bool;
delete dat;

if I printed dat, would it return true or just a random address?

What you are doing is very dangerous!

bool *dat; //create a  bool pointer
dat=new bool; //set bool pointing to a address, i.e pointer-to-bool
dat=true; //give value to the pointed address
++dat; //increase the address of bool. Huh-oh, but where is the
            //next address. Even worse, what does that address
           //contains? Important data ? maybe
dat=false; //what ever it had now its set to false
delete dat; //now you are deleting a vairable that points to a
                 //different that what it starts with!
--dat;        //Its deleted already, so huh?

ah, that makes things much more clear; I guess I'll just stacks in that case. Thanks

"If I delete a pointer, does it delete the data in the current address or
all of it?"

If you delete a pointer that variable no longer exist so every thing it
contains also gets deleted.

"If I delete a pointer, does it delete the data in the current address or
all of it?"

If you delete a pointer that variable no longer exist so every thing it
contains also gets deleted.

delete operator releases (deallocates) a block of memory . The cast-expression argument must be a pointer to a block of memory previously allocated for an object created with the new operator. Using delete on a pointer to an object not allocated with new gives unpredictable results.

The new keyword allocates memory for an object or array of objects of type-name from the free store and returns a suitably typed, nonzero pointer to the object. If unsuccessful, by new returns zero or throws an exception;

The delete operator deallocates a block of memory; which frees memory back to the available pool.

Links -
Understanding operating systems By Ida M. Flynn, Ann McIver McHoes

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