Hi..I just want to ask for a help.
I have an Array of Object Person which has these attributes
1.first name(of type String)
2.middle initial(of type character)
3.last name (of type String)
4.age(of type int)
Now my problem is, how to sort this in ascending order?
My basis of sorting is the "age variable".
Say for example:
first Name:mike
middle initial:m
last name:martin
middle initial:s
last name:gaze
middle initial:f
last name:hallow
age:12}//end inputs
So my goal is to sort that Array of Object Person(using selection sort, and the basis of sorting is the "age variable".
So that the output, would something look like this.
middle initial:f
last name:hallow
age:12//since her age is the smallest
middle initial:s
last name:gaze
age:17//since his age is bigger than of cindy
first Name:mike
middle initial:m
last name:martin
age:19//since his age is bigger than of frank,and cindy
}//end outputs
*that's it... pls help...I don,t know to sort it...I really need to finish my program...help me guys...
thanks... in advance..