I have this code:

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from sys import exit
from random import randint
from sys import argv
from gameobjects.vector2 import Vector2

def Intersect(s1_x, s1_y, s2_x, s2_y, image):
        if (s1_x > s2_x - image.get_width()):
		if(s1_x < s2_x + image.get_width()):	
			if(s1_y > s2_y - image.get_height()):
				if(s1_y < s2_y + image.get_height()):
                			return 1
	return 0

def doMenu(question, options, retur=False):
	font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
	while True:		 
		text = font.render(question, True, (0,0,0))
		screen.blit(text, (10,10))
		i = 50
		for t in options:
			text = font.render(t, True, (0,0,0))
			screen.blit(text, (30,i))
			i += 50
		for event in pygame.event.get():
	    		if event.type == QUIT:
            			print score
			if event.type == KEYDOWN:
				if event.key == K_1:
					return 1
				if event.key == K_2:
					return 2
				if event.key == K_3:
					return 3
				if event.key == K_4:
					return 4
				if event.key == K_5:
					return 5
				if event.key == K_6:
					return 6
				if retur:

class map1:
	def __init__(self):
		self.d = {"tavern" : tavern(Tavern, Vector2(1,1), "You are in the tavern, what do you want to do?", ["1 - Buy beer", "2 - Rob a drinker", "3 - exit"]),"loanshark" : loanshark(Loanshark, Vector2(600 - Loanshark.get_width(),1), "You are in the loan shark's office, what do you want to do? ", ["(You have to pay back double on loans)","1 - Borrow 100", "2 - Borrow 250", "3 - Borrow 500", "4 - Borrow 1000", "5 - Borrow 10000", "6 - Rob the shark", "7 - Exit"])}
		self.back = pygame.image.load("data/map1.png")
		self.name = "map1"

class map2:
	def __init__(self):
		self.d = {"shop" : shop(Shop, Vector2(173,371), "You are in the shop, what do you want to do?",[]), "shipyard" : shipyard(Shipy, Vector2(232, 87), "You are in the shipyard, what do you want to do?", [])}
		self.back = pygame.image.load("data/map2.png")
		self.name = "map2"

class place:
	def __init__(self, image, pos, q, o):
		self.image = image
		self.pos = pos
		self.q = q
		self.o = o
	def blit(self, screen):
		screen.blit(self.image, (self.pos.x, self.pos.y))	

class tavern(place):
	def __init__(self, image, pos, q, o):
		place.__init__(self,image, pos, q, o)
		self.limit = randint(120, 480)
		self.last_rob = self.limit
	def check(self, position, heading, score):
		self.last_rob += 0.33
		if self.last_rob < self.limit:
			m = doMenu("Hey, you were here when my mate mick was robbed", ["You run away before he calls for guards", "Press any key"], True)
			position.x = 10 + self.image.get_width()
			heading = Vector2()
			return position, heading, score	
		m = doMenu(d.q, d.o)
		position.x = 10 + self.image.get_width()
		heading = Vector2()
		if m == 1:
			score -= 10	
		if m == 2:
			rand = randint(1,200)
			if rand % 5 == 0:
				rand = randint(1, 200)
				score += rand
				xxx = doMenu("You got: $" + str(rand), ["Press any key"], True)
				self.last_rob = 0
			elif rand == 1:
				xxx = doMenu("You were caught! You bribe the soldiers with $100", ["Press any key"], True)
				score -= 100
				xxx = doMenu("You didn't rob anyone, but you got away", ["Press any key"], True)
		return position, heading, score	

class shop(place):
	def __init__(self, image, pos, q, o):
		place.__init__(self,image, pos, q, o)
		self.limit = randint(120, 480)
		self.last_rob = self.limit
		self.items = {"silk" : 10, "wood" : 5, "gold" : 100, "chocolate" : 15}
		self.keys = ["silk", "wood", "gold", "chocolate"]
		self.pair = [10,5,100,15]
		self.reversed = {10 : "silk", 5 : "wood", 100 : "gold", 15 : "chocolate"}
		self.o = []
		i = 1
		for key, d in self.items.iteritems():
			self.o.append("%i - Buy %s at $%s" % (i, key, d))
			i += 1
		self.o.append("%i - Rob the shop keeper" % (i))
		self.o.append("%i - Exit" % (i + 1))
	def check(self, position, heading, score):
		self.last_rob += 0.33
		if self.last_rob < self.limit:
			m = doMenu("Hey, you robbed me", ["You run away before he calls for guards", "Press any key"], True)
			position.x = self.pos.x + 5 + self.image.get_width()
			heading = Vector2()
			return position, heading, score	
		m = doMenu(d.q, d.o)
		position.x = self.pos.x + 5 + self.image.get_width()
		heading = Vector2() 
		for i in self.keys:
				if i == self.reversed[self.pair[m - 1]]:
					if score - self.items[self.keys[m - 1]] < 0:
						m = doMenu("You don't have enough money for that!", ["Press any key"], True)
						print self.items[self.keys[m - 1]]
						score -= self.items[self.keys[m - 1]]
		l = len(self.keys)			
		if m == l + 1:
			rand = randint(1,200)
			if rand % 5 == 0:
				rand = randint(200, 1000)
				score += rand
				xxx = doMenu("You got: $" + str(rand), ["Press any key"], True)
				self.last_rob = 0
			elif rand == 1:
				xxx = doMenu("You were caught! You bribe the soldiers with $100", ["Press any key"], True)
				score -= 100
				xxx = doMenu("You didn't rob anyone, but you got away", ["Press any key"], True)						

		return position, heading, score

class shipyard(place):
	def __init__(self, image, pos, q, o):
		place.__init__(self,image, pos, q, o)
		self.limit = randint(120, 480)
		self.last_rob = self.limit
		self.items = {"rowing boat" : 150, "sloon" : 1400, "merchant ship" : 3650, "galleon" : 40000}
		self.keys = ["rowing boat", "sloon", "merchant ship", "galleon"]
		self.pair = [1400,150,3650,40000]
		self.reversed = {150 : "rowing boat", 1400 : "sloon", 3650 : "merchant ship", 40000 : "galleon"}
		print self.keys
		self.o = []
		i = 1
		for key, d in self.items.iteritems():
			self.o.append("%i - Buy %s at $%s" % (i, key, d))
			i += 1
		self.o.append("%i - Rob the ship builder" % (i))
		self.o.append("%i - Exit" % (i + 1))
		print self.o
		print self.items
	def check(self, position, heading, score):
		self.last_rob += 0.33
		if self.last_rob < self.limit:
			m = doMenu("Hey, you robbed me", ["You run away before he calls for guards", "Press any key"], True)
			position.x = self.pos.x + 5 + self.image.get_width()
			heading = Vector2()
			return position, heading, score	
		m = doMenu(d.q, d.o)
		position.x = self.pos.x + 5 + self.image.get_width()
		heading = Vector2() 
		for i in self.keys:
				if i == self.reversed[self.pair[m - 1]]:
					print self.items[self.keys[m - 1]]
					if score - self.items[self.keys[m - 1]] < 0:
						m = doMenu("You don't have enough money for that!", ["Press any key"], True)
						score -= self.items[self.keys[m - 1]]
		l = len(self.keys)			
		if m == l + 1:
			rand = randint(1,200)
			if rand % 5 == 0:
				rand = randint(200, 1000)
				score += rand
				xxx = doMenu("You got: $" + str(rand), ["Press any key"], True)
				self.last_rob = 0
			elif rand == 1:
				xxx = doMenu("You were caught! You bribe the soldiers with $100", ["Press any key"], True)
				score -= 100
				xxx = doMenu("You didn't rob anyone, but you got away", ["Press any key"], True)						

		return position, heading, score

class loanshark(place):
	def __init__(self, image, pos, q, o):
		place.__init__(self,pygame.image.load("data/loan.png"), pos, q, o)
		self.owed = 0
		self.limit = randint(120, 480)
		self.last_rob = self.limit

	def check(self, position, heading, score):
		self.last_rob += 0.33
		if self.last_rob < self.limit:
			m = doMenu("Hey, you robbed me", ["You run away before he calls for guards", "Press any key"], True)
			position.x = 10 + self.image.get_width()
			heading = Vector2()
			return position, heading, score	
		if self.owed == 0:
			m = doMenu(d.q, d.o)
			if m == 1:
				score += 100
				self.owed = 100
			if m == 2:
				score += 250
				self.owed = 250
			if m == 3:
				score += 500
				self.owed = 500
			if m == 4:
				score += 1000
				self.owed = 1000
			if m == 5:
				score += 10000
				self.owed = 10000
			if m == 6:
				rand = randint(1,200)
				if rand == 1:
					rand = randint(20000, 100000)
					score += rand
					xxx = doMenu("You got: $" + str(rand), ["Press any key"], True)
					self.last_rob = 0
				elif rand % 5 == 0:
					xxx = doMenu("You were caught! You bribe the soldiers with $" + str((score/100)*33), ["Press any key"], True)
					score -= (score/100)*33
					xxx = doMenu("You didn't rob anyone, but you got away", ["Press any key"], True)

			m = doMenu(d.q, ["1 - Pay money back", "2 - Rob the shark", "3 - Exit"])
			if m == 1:
				score -= self.owed * 2
				self.owed = 0
			if m == 2:
				rand = randint(1,200)
				if rand == 1:
					rand = randint(20000, 100000)
					score += rand
					xxx = doMenu("You got: $" + str(rand), ["Press any key"], True)
					self.last_rob = 0
				elif rand % 5 == 0:
					xxx = doMenu("You were caught! You bribe the soldiers with $" + str((score/100)*33), ["Press any key"], True)
					score -= (score/100)*33
					xxx = doMenu("You didn't rob anyone, but you got away", ["Press any key"], True)
		position.x = 575 - self.image.get_width()
		heading = Vector2()	
		return position, heading, score	

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,480), 0, 32)
back = pygame.image.load("data/map1.png")
me = pygame.image.load("data/me.png")
Tavern = pygame.image.load("data/tavern.png")
Loanshark = pygame.image.load("data/loan.png")
Shop = pygame.image.load("data/shop.png")
Shipy = pygame.image.load("data/shipy.png")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
score = 1000
x = 10
y = screen.get_height()/2 - me.get_height()
distance_moved = 0
speed = 100.
position = Vector2(400.0, 400.0)
heading = Vector2()
destination = Vector2()
left = False
top = False
map = map1()
while True:
	time_passed = clock.tick(30) / 1000.0
	screen.blit(map.back, (0,0))
	for event in pygame.event.get():
	    	if event.type == QUIT:
            		print score
		if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
			destination = Vector2(*event.pos) - Vector2(*me.get_size())/2.
			heading = Vector2.from_points(position, destination)
	heading2 = Vector2.from_points(position, destination)
	if position.x < screen.get_width()/2:
		left = True
	if position.y < screen.get_height()/2:
		top = True
	if heading.x != 0 and heading.x != 0:
		if heading.x < 0:
			if heading.y < 0:
				if heading2.x > 0 and heading2.y > 0 :
					heading = Vector2()	
				if heading2.x > 0 and heading2.y < 0:
					heading = Vector2()	
			if heading.y < 0:
				if heading2.x < 0 and heading2.y > 0 :
					heading = Vector2()	
				if heading2.x < 0 and heading2.y < 0:
					heading = Vector2()	
	distance_moved = time_passed * speed
	position += heading * distance_moved
	screen.blit(me, (position))
	if map.name == "map1" and position.x <= 0:
		map = map2()
		position.x = 598 - me.get_width()
		heading = Vector2()
	if map.name == "map2" and position.x + me.get_width() >= 600:
		map = map1()
		position.x = 0 + me.get_width()
		heading = Vector2()
	for key, d in map.d.iteritems():
		if d.pos.x > screen.get_width()/2:
			i = Intersect(position.x, position.y, 600, d.pos.y, d.image)
			i = Intersect(position.x, position.y, d.pos.x, d.pos.y, d.image)
		if i == 1:
			position, heading, score = d.check(position, heading, score)					

when run the intersect doesn't always work and when entering the building marked "sy" on map2 and you try to buy a rowing boat it says you don't have enough money because the dictionary seams to be mixed up?

It would be nice to get the game going and put in some test prints or send it through a debugger. However, without the module gameobjects it is hard to get the needed vector2 stuff. Also looks like there is a mixed tab/space indentation issue.

you know, pygame has it's own rect collision system:

if Rect.colliderect(g,h)==1:
     print "g and h have collided!"
     print "g and h have not collided yet"

hope that helps!

pymatio, your code would be easier to read if you would stick with the 4 space indentation that every else uses. Yes, you have managed to mix up tabs and spaces according to my editor.

I see you may have took some ideas from my text based version? Very cool indeed..

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