hey there. thanks for all the help i have recieved from the people on this site!

i have a new problem, one i could solve if i was using VB but im using C# and i dont really know what to do.

i have data....

return1.MV TE244654.MV b43tgwg.sp
01.62 00.83 100.76
01.62 00.83 100.77
01.60 00.83 100.78
--.-- 00.83 100.79
--.-- 00.82 100.80
01.63 00.83 100.81
01.63 00.83 100.82
--.-- 00.83 100.83
--.-- 00.83 100.84
01.62 00.83 100.85
01.59 00.83 100.86
--.-- 00.83 100.88
--.-- 00.83 100.89
01.61 00.84 100.90
01.60 00.84 100.91

basically i need to organise this data into an array, but its more difficult that it seems.

like the array needs to be like this

values[0,0] = return1.MV
values[0,1] = 01.62
values[0,2] = 01.62
values[1,0] = TE244654.MV
values[1,1] = 00.83

etc etc.

however each row is one big string
eg. " 01.62 00.83 100.26" so i need to separate each part to put into the array.

what would be the code i would use to make this happen in C#. as i said i know what i would need to do, and if i as using VB i could use left right and mid. if you could help that would be amazing.

You could use the method SubString here like Mystr.SubString(charpos,lenghttoextract);
You can let this work like left,mid,right if you want.

how do you set that up to use in the code. i have looked on msdn but its not completely apparent!

Like this:

string Mystr = "01.62 00.83 100.76";
string Leftstr = Mystr.Substring(0, 5); // Leftstr is equal to 01.62 
string Midstr = Mystr.Substring(6, 5);  // Midstr00.83
string Rightstr = Mystr.Substring(Mystr.Length - 5, 5);  // Rightstr 00.76

First integer of substring is the zero based char position in the string. The second integer is the length in characters of the string you want to extract.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace daniweb
  class MultiArray
    private static string[] GetTestData()
      List<string> result = new List<string>();
      result.Add("return1.MV TE244654.MV b43tgwg.sp");
      result.Add("01.62 00.83 100.76");
      result.Add("01.62 00.83 100.77");
      result.Add("01.60 00.83 100.78");
      result.Add("--.-- 00.83 100.79");
      result.Add("--.-- 00.82 100.80");
      result.Add("01.63 00.83 100.81");
      result.Add("01.63 00.83 100.82");
      result.Add("--.-- 00.83 100.83");
      result.Add("--.-- 00.83 100.84");
      result.Add("01.62 00.83 100.85");
      result.Add("01.59 00.83 100.86");
      result.Add("--.-- 00.83 100.88");
      result.Add("--.-- 00.83 100.89");
      result.Add("01.61 00.84 100.90");
      result.Add("01.60 00.84 100.91");
      return result.ToArray();
    internal static void DoWork()
      string[] testData = GetTestData();
      int xLen = testData[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length;
      int yLen = testData.Length;
      string[,] result = new string[xLen, yLen];

      for (int iY = 0; iY < testData.Length; iY++)
        string[] fields = testData[iY].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        if (fields.Length != xLen)
          throw new Exception("You have a varying number of columns....");

        for (int iX = 0; iX < fields.Length; iX++)
          result[iX, iY] = fields[iX];

[edit]Oops, I didn't see Danny already answered it. His answer is probably closer to how you originally went about it, and will probably be easier to implement[/edit]

Don't worry Scott your posts are always appreciated and always provide new insights!:)

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