im making a maths game but i need to know how to make 10 random questions appear in a text box for easy medium and hard addition and subtraction with 1-100 for easy, 1-200 for medium and 1-500 for hard..please help me =)
from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter as tk
import random
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('Maths Game')
def main_menu():
image2 = tk.PhotoImage(file="menu.gif")
w = image2.width()
h = image2.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel2
panel2 = tk.Label(root, image=image2)
panel2.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
add_button = tk.Button(panel2, text= "Addition", command = addition)
add_button.place_configure(w = 130, h =130 , x=90 , y =200 )
sub_button = tk.Button(panel2, text= "Subtraction", command = subtraction)
sub_button.place_configure(w = 130, h =130 , x=300 , y =200 )
help_button = tk.Button(panel2, text= "Help", command = Help)
help_button.place_configure(w = 130, h =45 , x=50 , y =400 )
info_button = tk.Button(panel2, text= "About the author", command = about)
info_button.place_configure(w = 130, h =45 , x=190 , y =400 )
quit_button = tk.Button(panel2, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button.place_configure(w = 130, h =45 , x=330 , y =400 )
panel2.image= image2
def addition():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="difficulty.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel3
panel3 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel3.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel3.image = image3
menu_button = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Menu", command = main3)
menu_button.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
quit_button1 = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button1.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
easy_button = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Easy", command = add_easy)
easy_button.place_configure(w = 120, h =100, x=190, y=150)
medium_button = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Medium", command = add_medium)
medium_button.place_configure(w = 120, h =100, x=190, y=260)
hard_button = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Hard", command = add_hard)
hard_button.place_configure(w = 120, h =100, x=190, y=370)
def subtraction():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="difficulty.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel3
panel3 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel3.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel3.image = image3
menu_button1 = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Menu", command = main3)
menu_button1.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
quit_button2 = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button2.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
easy_button1 = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Easy", command = sub_easy)
easy_button1.place_configure(w = 120, h =100, x=190, y=150)
medium_button1 = tk.Button(panel3, text= "Medium", command = sub_medium)
medium_button1.place_configure(w = 120, h =100, x=190, y=260)
hard_button1= tk.Button(panel3, text= "Hard", command = sub_hard)
hard_button1.place_configure(w = 120, h =100, x=190, y=370)
def add_easy():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="easy.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel4
panel4 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel4.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel4.image = image3
menu_button2 = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Menu", command = main2)
menu_button2.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
label1 = Label(root, text='Question:')
label1.place_configure(w = 60, h =20, x=150 , y =150)
question = Text(root)
question.place_configure(w = 60, h =20, x=150 , y =170)
answer = Entry(root)
answer.place_configure(w = 100, h =50, x=150 , y =220)
submit = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Submit")
submit.place_configure(w = 100, h =80, x=200 , y =350)
quit_button3 = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button3.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
def add_medium():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="medium.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel4
panel4 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel4.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel4.image = image3
menu_button3 = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Menu", command = main2)
menu_button3.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
quit_button4 = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button4.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
def add_hard():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="medium.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel4
panel4 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel4.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel4.image = image3
menu_button4 = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Menu", command = main2)
menu_button4.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
quit_button5 = tk.Button(panel4, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button5.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
def sub_easy():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="easy.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel7
panel7 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel7.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel7.image = image3
menu_button2 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Menu", command = main5)
menu_button2.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
label1 = Label(root, text='Question:')
label1.place_configure(w = 60, h =20, x=150 , y =150)
quit_button3 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button3.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
def sub_medium():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="medium.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel7
panel7 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel7.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel7.image = image3
menu_button3 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Menu", command = main5)
menu_button3.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
quit_button4 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button4.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
def sub_hard():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="medium.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel7
panel7 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel7.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel7.image = image3
menu_button4 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Menu", command = main5)
menu_button4.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=0 , y =460)
quit_button5 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button5.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
quit_button5 = tk.Button(panel7, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button5.place_configure(w = 40, h =35, x=457 , y =460)
def Help():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="help.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel5
panel5 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel5.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel5.image = image3
menu_button5 = tk.Button(panel5, text= "Main Menu", command = main4)
menu_button5.place_configure(w = 130, h =45, x=90 , y =400)
quit_button6 = tk.Button(panel5, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button6.place_configure(w = 130, h =45, x=300 , y =400)
def main5():
def main4():
def main3():
def main2():
def about():
image3 = tk.PhotoImage(file="author.gif")
w = image3.width()
h = image3.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
global panel6
panel6 = tk.Label(root, image=image3)
panel6.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel6.image = image3
menu_button6 = tk.Button(panel6, text= "Main Menu", command = main1)
menu_button6.place_configure(w = 130, h =45, x=90 , y =400)
quit_button7 = tk.Button(panel6, text= "Quit", command = Quit)
quit_button7.place_configure(w = 130, h =45, x=300 , y =400)
def main1():
def main():
def Quit():
image1 = tk.PhotoImage(file="splash.gif")
w = image1.width()
h = image1.height()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
panel1 = tk.Label(root, image=image1)
panel1.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
begin_button = tk.Button(panel1,text = "Begin",command = main)
begin_button.place_configure(w = 150, h = 55, x= 190, y = 400)
panel1.image = image1