How I can set ColumnType to MaskedTextBox in DataGridView?

PLZ help I'm in hurry

I believe a maskedTextBox is a bit of an old fashioned kind of UI style of programming. Use Validate and Validating events if you want to check the input in a TextBox or use a DateTimePicker for a date.

you are right but i want check my date in grid columns how i can do it by Validate or validating?

Make a DateTimePicker control in one of your columns see how to do it here
That way your dates are always of the correct format and you don't even have to implement the Validate events.

thanks my friend

for solving this problem can we use "DefaultCellStyle.Format"?
for example:
dataGridView1.Columns[5].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd";

I have Problems Wth That overrides?
I can't solve them How I can do it?
yes Dear Dajer is right can we use it?

PLZ Help me how I can solve this Errors? its error is:
" no suitable method found to override"
i write only the codes that you linekd for me but for all of override I have this error
PLZ Help how I can solve it?

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