this code takes out the spaces in between and i want to shrink this code a bit.
like in function modify. It doesnt work if i take out the if(s[i] == ' ')
I want to make this code work without using that.
Any help??


char* modify(char*);

void main()
        char* str = malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
        char* mstr;

        printf("Enter a string: ");

        mstr= modify(str);
        printf("String after removing spaces: %s \n\n",mstr);

char* modify(char *s)
        int i,j=0;
        static char temp[200];
        for(i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
                if(s[i] == ' ')
                        temp[j] = s[i];
        temp[j] = '\0';
        return temp;
char* modify(char *s)
	int i,j=0;
	static char temp[200];

	for(i = 0; s[i]; i++)
		if(s[i] != ' ')
			temp[j] = s[i];

	temp[j] = '\0';
	return temp;
char* modify(char *s)
	int i,j=0;
	static char temp[200];

	for(i = 0; s[i]; i++)
		if(s[i] != ' ')
			temp[j] = s[i];

	temp[j] = '\0';
	return temp;

Thanks uhh "wildgoose"
that was simple i guess

Binary size is still the same. I only removed the empty comparison, and the more verbose declaration!

You could use a strtok function to make it smaller if that's allowed!

char *p = strtok( s, " " );
*temp = 0;

while (NULL != p)
    strcat( temp, p );
     p = strtok( NULL, " " );

But that's really no smaller then what you already had and in fact will run slower because of the overhead of the strtok and the strcat!

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