hey all....

I already know C++.But now i want to make some GUI based application(like calculator....etc) with C++.

I have decided to do that with c++ bcoz i think,application(.exe ) made by c++ is the one one which can be run without any kind of frame work installed in computer.(Example...VB.Net application needs .Net Frameworks to be installed in P.C.)

I do not how much i am right or wrong..

Now i am able to very small application with C++.But its getting too tough...(making text field,Button,etc...)

any one please suggest me any web resources which will help me to learn GUI based C++...and any compiler without MS Vis C++ (B coz its unavailable for offline install)..

By which programming language i will be able to make application which will run without any Frameworks like (.Net Frameworks) in windows.It must be easier than C++.

pls....help me out....


I don't like any of those things you don't like either debasishgang7. I deplore MFC, .NET, any class framework really. However, those things are for folks who want to take the easy way out. Its harder to write Windows programs without a class framework, at least at first. However, in the long run you are better off without them (IMNSHO). Windows programs (GUI) can be written using the Win32 Api. There are thousands of wonderful functions you can use and they are all very well documented. You can created windows with them, put buttons, textboxes, grids, custom controls, you name it, in those windows. The programs will run faster than any of those built with class frameworks and be 10 to a hundred times smaller. However, you have to learn how to do it and its a fairly steep climb. I'd start by getting a copy of Charles Petzold's Windows Programming book.

I would recomment you learn wxWidgets -- its a lot easier to learn than pure win32 api and its portable between MS-Windows, *nix and probably MAC. AFAIK it doesn't require .NET.

>>.It must be easier than C++.

I would recomment you learn wxWidgets...

And what do you think the life expectancy of that body of knowledge will be Ancient Dragon?

The Win Api has been around in a form very similiar to what it is now since 1985. That's 24 years (I counted 'em). In those 24 years various class frameworks/programming paradigms have come & gone, e.g., VB1-6, MFC, etc. Win32 Api rules! :)

Seriously though, I had looked at wxWidgets about a year or two ago when I was snooping around with Linux coding. I had downloaded a wxWidgets demo of some simple Windows programs that just gave examples of basic windows controls, etc. The exes were quite large, as I recall. I didn't like that - I mean megabyte type stuff just for simple windows programs. That kind of turned me off. I do like the new CodeBlocks dev envr though - have to say that. And it works in Windows just like in Linux.

I never found anything in the Linux world anywhere near as elegant as the Windows Api. If I had the time & inclination I'd be more inclined to work directly with X - which I kind of liked. For relatively easy coding Gtk+ works good but its as ugly as sin - IMHO.


The Win Api has been around in a form very similiar to what it is now since 1985. That's 24 years (I counted 'em). In those 24 years various class frameworks/programming paradigms have come & gone, e.g., VB1-6, MFC, etc. Win32 Api rules!

Really, its more like 15 as the first 32 bit windows OS was in ~93, but i digress..

MFC dead? um.. no?(and indeed, in relation to the above point, it had its origins in ~92 as a wrapper around the original 16 bit winAPI as that was horrible to use) . Much easier than plain old win32 coding, especially with appwizard.
Have you not used the new MFC refresh for VS08? Its a joy to use and includes all the new goodies like the office-07 ribbon and an updated appwizard to make VS or office 2007-style interfaces with ease.

Thanks a lot....

And what do you think the life expectancy of that body of knowledge will be Ancient Dragon?

Its been around for quite a few years (since 1992), so I wouldn't expect it to disappear from use for a long long time. But if you are not interested in portability between MS-Windows and *nix then MFC may be the better choice.

>>I do like the new CodeBlocks dev envr though - have to say that. And it works in Windows just like in Linux.
Yes, I like Code::Blocks too, but still prefer VC++ 2008 because of its superior debugging. But that has nothing to do with building GUI applications.

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