Hey everybody,
I was trying to create a program that simulated the game "Mastermind" using numbers 0-5 instead of the six colored pegs. I have written out the code, and it seems to work, all except for the loop I have set to see if the user wants to play again. The getchar function that I have used for a char variable to determine whether to continue the loop does not seem to be working. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's what my code is so far:

/*A game very similar to Mastermind, using numbers 0-5 instead of pegs*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void inputguess (int guess[]);
int rightwrong (int guess[], int key[], int control, int control2, int wrongplace);

int main()
    int rightplace = 0;
    int wrongplace = 0;
    int numguess = 0;
    int key[4], key2[4], guess[4];
    int control = 0;
    int control2 = 0;
    int correct = 0;
    char again = 'y';
    while (again == 'y')
        for(control = 0; control < 4; control ++)
             key[control] = rand()%6;
        for(control = 0; control < 4; control ++)
             key2[control] = key[control];
        while(correct == 0)
             numguess += 1;
             rightplace = 0;
             wrongplace = 0;
             for(control = 0; control < 4; control ++)
                         if(guess[control] == key[control])
                                   rightplace += 1;
                                   key[control] = -1234;
                                   guess[control] = -1235;
             for(control = 0; control < 4; control++)     
                  if(guess[control] != key[control])
                       wrongplace = rightwrong(guess, key, control, control2, wrongplace);
             printf("\nright number right place: %d\n", rightplace);
             printf("right number wrong place: %d\n\n", wrongplace);
             if (rightplace == 4)
                       correct = 1;
                       printf("YOU WIN \a\a\a\a\a\n");
                       printf("it took you %d guesses\n", numguess);
             for( control = 0; control < 4; control++)
                  key[control] = key2[control];                            
             printf("Would you like to play again? (y/n): ");
             again = getchar(); /*the program isn't stopping to let the user enter a char*/

void inputguess(int guess[])
    printf("enter the first digit of your guess: ");
    scanf("%d", &guess[0]);
    printf("enter the second digit of your guess: ");
    scanf("%d", &guess[1]);
    printf("enter the third digit of your guess: ");
    scanf("%d", &guess[2]);
    printf("enter the fourth and final digit of your guess: ");
    scanf("%d", &guess[3]);

int rightwrong( int guess[], int key[], int control, int control2, int wrongplace)
    for(control2 = 0; control2 <= (control - 1); control2++)
         if (guess[control2] == key[control])
              wrongplace += 1;
              key[control] = -1234;
              guess[control2] = -1235;
    for(control2 = (control + 1); control2 < 4; control2++)
         if (guess[control2] == key[control])
              wrongplace += 1;
              key[control] = -1234;
              guess[control2] = -1235;
    return wrongplace;

In your inputguess() function, put getchar() after each of your scanf's. Scanf leaves a newline in the buffer from my understanding.

Alright. I did that, and it is somewhat better. Before that, the program just exited without letting you enter anything after the "Would you like to play again (y/n)." Now it lets you enter something, but after you do, the program just hangs, not completing execution, but not letting you go any further. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.

Aha! Which loop is again = getchar(); in?
It's in while(correct == 0) not while (again == 'y').

commented: Huge help with my programming problem. +1

Alright. Unfortunately, it still isn't returning to the beginning of the "while (again == y)". (Or at least it doesn't seem to be repeating the code.)

Did you move printf("Would you like to play again? (y/n): "); & again = getchar(); down a bracket? It worked on my computer. After you win a game, it will ask you to play again.
Nice program :)

My bad. I just realized that I need to make sure that correct == 0 is still true. It was going back to the "While (again == 'y') correctly, but getting kicked out by another part of the code. I'll fix that.

This program still has one problem that I don't quite know how to fix, and if there is no way to fix it, no big deal. The rand() function is making each set of four digits the same. For example, the first combination is ALWAYS 5544, and the 2nd is always 5400. Is there a way to fix this?

Seed the prng with the time. See the example on the end of this page.
I wonder why the example has a combination of puts() and printf(). :P

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