hi every body
I'm begging with assembly and I try two sum two numbers but i cant
understand interruptions and generally Assembly so I learn asm with api
I wrote this if anybody correct me >>!!
.model flat ,stdcall
include kernel32.inc
include masm32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib masm32.lib
MasgName db "Enter the NUmber ",00ah,00dh
num db 10 dup (?)
invoke StdOut ,addr MasgName
invoke StdIn ,addr num,10
invoke StdOut ,addr MasgName
mov ebx ,eax
invoke StdIn ,addr num,10
add eax,ebx
mov num,eax
invoke StdOut ,addr num
invoke StdIn ,addr num,10
invoke ExitProcess,0
end start