Ok, I am writing a client for the "instant messaging" server I just wrote. The client is in all Python, and the GUI is made with Tkinter.

Anyways, my first question is this: is there a way to make a scrollbar widget automatically scroll to the bottom?

Second, in a Text widget, how would I be able to make everything...colored? Example: "<Username> Message."
Would there be a way to make "username" blue and "message" say....green?

Thanks in advance

is there a way to make a scrollbar widget automatically scroll to the bottom?

Use scrollbar.config ()
scrollbar.config( command = listbox_widget.yview )

I think it is something like this for a text widget

in a Text widget, how would I be able to make everything...colored

Most all of Tkinter's widget's have a background and foreground option. See the docs.

# optionally scroll to the bottom of the listbox
lines = listbox.size()
listbox.yview_scroll(lines, 'units')

Use scrollbar.config ()
scrollbar.config( command = listbox_widget.yview )
I think it is something like this for a text widget

Well, here is my code:

self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(master)
self.scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
self.msgbox = Text(master, bg="black", fg="#0099cc") #33CCCC
self.scrollbar.config(command=self.msgbox.yview, bg="black", activebackground="#313131")

And I receive this error:

AttributeError: Text instance has no attribute 'END'

Most all of Tkinter's widget's have a background and foreground option. See the docs.

Ok, well I must have been a little unclear. I would like to make it multi-colored. As you can see in my code above, I have already set the main foreground and background colors for my Text widget, except would it be possible to do something like such?:

chatstr = "#FFFFFFHello,#000000World#FF0000!!
client.msgbox.insert(END, chatstr + "\n")

So "Hello" would be white, "World" would be black, and the two exclamation points would be red. Is that possible to do within the same widget?

Thanks again.

Sorry for the second post, but I missed sneekula's post.
@sneek: Ok, if I try your code I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/foo/Documents/pyscripts/ChatProgram/Versions/Client/chatclient.v0.3.py", line 125, in <module>
client.msgbox = myapp.setup(master, client)
File "/home/foo/Documents/pyscripts/ChatProgram/Versions/Client/chatclient.v0.3.py", line 36, in setup
self.msgbox.yview_scroll(lines, "units")
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 3167, in yview_scroll
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', 'scroll', number, what)
_tkinter.TclError: expected integer but got "0 0"

EDIT: Ok, I figured out that I receive a "TclError" if the contents of the widget isn't long enough to scroll through so I put your code within a "try" statement. However, if the contents of the widget is long enough, it doesn't scroll.

Thanks again.

Ok, well I finally solved this by myself. For the multi-color part, check this thread. For the part about an auto-scrollbar, I just repeatedly called the following code:


Thanks to everybody that helped.

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