What I need to do is have the data on the bottom line of my chart to show the full date as it is in the database that I take the data from. In the database it is in the form of 29/March/2005 and this is how I want it to display on the chart. my code is as follows:
Dim db As Database
Dim qdef As QueryDef
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim dbname As String
Dim i As Integer
dbname = App.Path
If Right$(dbname, 1) <> "\" Then dbname = dbname & "\"
dbname = dbname & "FishKeeping.mdb"
Set db = OpenDatabase(dbname)
Set qdef = db.CreateQueryDef("", _
"SELECT Date, PH FROM WaterQuality")
Set rs = qdef.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
NumPoints = rs.RecordCount
ReDim Values(1 To NumPoints, 1 To 2)
For i = 1 To NumPoints
Values(i, 1) = Format$(rs!Date, "dd/MMMM/yyyy")
Values(i, 2) = rs!PH
Next i
Chart1.chartType = VtChChartType2dXY
Chart1.RowCount = NumPoints
Chart1.ColumnCount = 2
Chart1.ChartData = Values
All I get is the error: Type Mismatch and it highlights
Values(i, 1) = Format$(rs!Date, "dd/MMMM/yyyy")
But if I change this line to
Values(i, 1) = Format$(rs!Date, "yyyy")
it displays my chart but the bottom line only display by year. Am i missing something!?
It does all this if my database is set up to display the date as text or in date/time format.
Any help greatly appreciated sorry for the long query !
Hope all this makes sense!