Create a tic-tac-toe game.
1.First display a welcome message to the game. A player enters her or his name, selects to play first or not, and then start to plays the game.
2.Display a 3 by 3 tic-tac-toe board.
3. The player selects the cell to mark. The computer randomly selects the cell to mark.
4. The game is continuing until there is a winner or the game is tie.
5.The player can choose to continue a new game.
Hint: Refer to the following code.

welcome (char name[]) {
  printf("Welcome to the tic-tac-toe game!           \n");
  printf("Your name: ");
  scanf("%s", name);
  printf("%s, welcome to the game!\n", name);

draw_box() {
  char box[3][3] = {{'+', '-', '+'}, {'|', ' ', '|'}, {'+', '-', '+'}};
  int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) printf("%c", box[i][j]);

main() {
  char name[40];


A possible run may look like as follows:

Welcome to the tic-tac-toe game!
Your name: Rita
Rita, welcome to the game!
   a   b   c
1    |   |
2    |   |
3    |   |

Rita, do you want to play first (Y/N)? Y
Rita's step => 2b /* input by the user */

   a   b   c
1    |   |
2    | o |
3    |   |

Computer's step => 1a  /* generated by the computer */

   a   b   c
1  x |   |
2    | o |
3    |   |

Rita's step => 3c

   a   b   c
1  x |   |
2    | o |
3    |   | o

Computer's step => 3a 

   a   b   c
1  x |   |
2    | o |
3  x |   | o

Rita's step => 2a

   a   b   c
1  x |   |
2  o | o |
3  x |   | o

Computer's step => 1c

   a   b   c
1  x |   | x
2  o | o |
3  x |   | o

Rita's step => 2c

   a   b   c
1  x |   | x
2  o | o | o
3  x |   | o

Congratulations! Rita is the winner.
Play more (Y/N)? Y
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