Hi, I am using Visual studio 2008, C++ MFC to do my programming for serial communication. I am having problem with my source code wehn i complied it. I have link the serial.cpp and serial.h file to my main program. In my main program, i just type Serial.Open(); to test my serial communication. I have initialise [CSerial Serial] in my .h(main program file).
When i run my main program, i get error C2512:"CSerial":no appropriate default constructor available. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks.


// Serial.cpp: implementation of the CSerial class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Serial.h"
#include <sstream>

// Construction/Destruction

CSerial::CSerial(const char *pszPortName)

	m_pszPortName = new char[strlen(pszPortName)];
	strcpy(m_pszPortName, pszPortName);

		delete[] m_pszPortName;


// Name: Open
// Version: 1.0
// Return: HRESULT
// Comment: This function is used open a connection with a serial port.
// Uses non-overlapped i/o, and allows for reading & writing to the 
// port.

HRESULT CSerial::Open()
	HRESULT hResult;

	m_hSerialComm = CreateFile((LPCTSTR)m_pszPortName, /* Port Name */ 
							   GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, /* Desired Access */ 
							   0, /* Shared Mode */
							   NULL, /* Security */
							   OPEN_EXISTING, /* Creation Disposition */
							   NULL); /* Non Overlapped */

	if(m_hSerialComm == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		unsigned long error = ::GetLastError();
		hResult = E_FAIL;

		hResult = S_OK;

	return hResult;

// Name: Close
// Version: 1.0
// Return: HRESULT
// Comment: This function is used to close the serial port connection
// Note: This function is called with the destructor

HRESULT CSerial::Close()
	if(m_hSerialComm != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

	return S_OK;

// Name: ConfigPort
// Version: 1.0
// Parameter: dwBaudRate - This must be set to the baud rate of the
// serial port connection otherwise invalid reads occur.
// dwTimeOutInSec - Specifies the timeout for read and write of the serial
// port connection in seconds
// Return: HRESULT
// Comment: This function is used configure the serial port connection.

HRESULT CSerial::ConfigPort(DWORD dwBaudRate, DWORD dwTimeOutInSec)
	if(!SetupComm(m_hSerialComm, 1024, 1024))
		return E_FAIL;

	DCB dcbConfig;

	if(GetCommState(m_hSerialComm, &dcbConfig)) /* Configuring Serial Port Settings */
		dcbConfig.BaudRate = dwBaudRate;
		dcbConfig.ByteSize = 8;
		dcbConfig.Parity = NOPARITY;
		dcbConfig.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
		dcbConfig.fBinary = TRUE;
		dcbConfig.fParity = TRUE;

		return E_FAIL;

	if(!SetCommState(m_hSerialComm, &dcbConfig))
		return E_FAIL;

	COMMTIMEOUTS commTimeout;
	if(GetCommTimeouts(m_hSerialComm, &commTimeout)) /* Configuring Read & Write Time Outs */
		commTimeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1000*dwTimeOutInSec;
		commTimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000*dwTimeOutInSec;
		commTimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
		commTimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000*dwTimeOutInSec;
		commTimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;

		return E_FAIL;

	if(SetCommTimeouts(m_hSerialComm, &commTimeout))
		return S_OK;

		return E_FAIL;

// Name: Read
// Version: 1.0
// Parameter: ppszBuf - The buffer that will have the value that was
// read in from the serial port.
// dwSize - The size of the buffer
// Return: HRESULT
// Comment: This function sets an event that will be signalled if the
// any byte is buffered internally. Once this occurs, the function keeps
// reading multiple a single byte at a time until there is no more furthur
// byte to read from the input stream

HRESULT CSerial::Read(char **ppszBuf, DWORD &dwSize)
	HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
	std::stringbuf sb;
	DWORD dwEventMask;

	if(!SetCommMask(m_hSerialComm, EV_RXCHAR)) /* Setting Event Type */
		return E_FAIL;

	if(WaitCommEvent(m_hSerialComm, &dwEventMask, NULL)) /* Waiting For Event to Occur */
		char szBuf;
		DWORD dwIncommingReadSize;

			if(ReadFile(m_hSerialComm, &szBuf, 1, &dwIncommingReadSize, NULL) != 0)
				if(dwIncommingReadSize > 0)
					dwSize += dwIncommingReadSize;
					sb.sputn(&szBuf, dwIncommingReadSize);

				unsigned long error = ::GetLastError();
				hResult = E_FAIL;

		} while(dwIncommingReadSize > 0);

		*ppszBuf = new char[dwSize];
		strcpy(*ppszBuf, (sb.str()).c_str());
		return hResult;

		return E_FAIL;

// Name: Write
// Version: 1.0
// Parameter: szBuf - The buffer holding the bytes to write to the serial
// port connection
// dwSize - The size of the buffer
// Return: HRESULT
// Comment: This function writes one byte at a time until all the bytes
// in the buffer is sent out

HRESULT CSerial::Write(const char *pszBuf, DWORD dwSize)
	HRESULT hResult = S_OK;


	unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesSent = 0;

	while(dwNumberOfBytesSent < dwSize)
		unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesWritten;

		if(WriteFile(m_hSerialComm, &pszBuf[dwNumberOfBytesSent], 1, &dwNumberOfBytesWritten, NULL) != 0)
			if(dwNumberOfBytesWritten > 0)
				unsigned long error = ::GetLastError();
				hResult = E_FAIL;

			unsigned long error = ::GetLastError();
			hResult = E_FAIL;

	return hResult;

// Name: Flush
// Version: 1.0
// Parameter: dwFlag - The flag specifying if the input/output buffer
// to be flushed
// Return: HRESULT
// Comment: This function is flushes the specfied buffer
// Note: By default, both the input and output buffers are flushed

HRESULT CSerial::Flush(DWORD dwFlag)
	if(PurgeComm(m_hSerialComm, dwFlag))
		return S_OK;
		return E_FAIL;

// Serial.h: interface for the CSerial class.
#include <windows.h>

#if !defined(AFX_Serial_H__D1CAB621_DF4B_4729_82AB_31D5B9EFE8A9__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_Serial_H__D1CAB621_DF4B_4729_82AB_31D5B9EFE8A9__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

// Name: CSerial
// Version: 1.0
// Comment: This class is responsible for provide I/O operation with
// a serial port. It is implemented with Synchronous I/O viz. both
// input and output operations block. Both read and write operations
// are supported.

class CSerial
	HRESULT Write(const char *pszBuf, DWORD dwSize);
	HRESULT Read(char **ppszBuf, DWORD &dwSize);
	HRESULT ConfigPort(DWORD dwBaudRate = CBR_19200, DWORD dwTimeOutInSec = 5);
	HRESULT Close();	
	HRESULT Open();

	CSerial(const char *pszPortName);
	virtual ~CSerial();

	char *m_pszPortName;
	HANDLE m_hSerialComm;

#endif // !defined(AFX_Serial_H__D1CAB621_DF4B_4729_82AB_31D5B9EFE8A9__INCLUDED_)


You probably have something like:

CSerial serial;

And you really do not have a default constructor(no param constructor); so you can't create objects like that.
You need to use the constructor you do have:

CSerial serial("port name goes here");

your code was this problem.
you must set one argument in open method that is port name and check device that
whitch is open then set to it in this case you must never error
good lock

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