Please can any one help me in my investigation
I am developing an application whose purpose is to change the proxy settings for all applications requir WAN just like firefox,Googole talk ,yahoo,opera ..... etc

so far I could do so for IE as I change its own conniectivity settings but I want to generalize to include all applications any suggestions Please
thx for advance

You will need to create a Service like the AntiVirus applications do and hook on to the outbound port you want to proxy. That is the only way to get *true* control of the applications.

You will need to create a Service like the AntiVirus applications do and hook on to the outbound port you want to proxy. That is the only way to get *true* control of the applications.

Pleae man can U tell me if that doable in C# or no and if u have any other suggestion I will be glad

I have no idea how to go about it I just know you have to hook in to windows at a low level. This is a pretty big undertaking...

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